Are You Preparing?

SAT., MAR. 13, 1999, 6:55 AM

Life, here in the earth, has three “dimensions” – the present, the past, and the future. I, Holy Spirit, certainly recommend living fully in the present, but I also see value in a balance with what has been and what might… or will… be. At your age you have quite a lot of “past,” but it is becoming “harder” to remember all that has been. You have experienced the frustration of relating to and with your Dad and your Mother-in-law, both with longer “pasts” than yours, of course, but with very little memory of what “was” in their lives.

I want to encourage you this morning, a cool day that could bring the last snow of winter or be just a drab harbinger of Spring, to give a bit more attention to your future. You are doing so in the best way, for you, by coming to this pad with this pen and writing what you hear from Me. I am outside of time, and it still is difficult for you to perceive what such a state would be. Just accept that I tell you it is quite a wonderful “way to live.”

But you are not there yet. You have life in the present, with some opportunities for service. Yes, you still have abilities and capacities that make life better for others, and these should be utilized. (You’re not sure what you’ll do if no one volunteers to take over the Newsletter. You’d rather not continue with it, but you’re probably not willing just to “quit.” That’s “future”, but not very far off.)

Your “present” is manageable, but there still is much to do… or so it seems. You love this place, but it requires time and effort to maintain and improve, and you’re not truly satisfied with how it is now, “in here and out there.” You consider that you’ll never be as “neat and tidy” as you’d like to be.

But what about the future? Are you preparing sufficiently for it? You know it shall not be long, here in the earth, so there needs be practical preparations… and those of the spirit. You do need to get some answers about insurance, of the many “kinds” you have. That will take some effort, but you should know what it is you’re paying for. Lenore is taking the responsibility for your “trust”, and “Who gets what” when you both have moved on across. Appreciate this, as a service to you both and to your heirs.

In the immediate future you have a Ruminations to compose and then the finishing of Michael’s story. After these you should consider your own saga, which you’d better write before… you can’t remember it or this earth portion, as Bob Russell, is over. The “dimensional approach” has merit. Give it a try, starting with the spiritual.

Now, as you expected, I’ll also recommend mental-emotional-spiritual preparation for your transition from this earth life back to life in the spirit. Oh, I know you can’t prepare for this as “neatly” as or a trip to So. Carolina or to Hawaii, but it does merit some of your time and attention.

You think you “know” Holy Scripture fairly well, but you do need some continuation of study, with some “pondering time.” Then, these Teachings from Me are not just to be written and organized, but are to be re-read, so that your knowledge of them… Scripture for you, personally… is not just superficial. Every time you do this you are satisfied, so why not do it more often.

Be only minimally concerned with and interested in “new ideas.” Reconsider those of your era, re-reading books that have shaped your thinking during your life, rather than seeking the “new”, which only “stretches” your capacities unnecessarily. Focus on the marks from previous readings. I want you to come across with good remembrance of “who you have been.”

SAT., MAR. 13, 1999, 6:55 AM

Life, here in the earth, has three “dimensions” – the present, the past, and the future. I, Holy Spirit, certainly recommend living fully in the present, but I also see value in a balance with what has been and what might… or will… be. At your age you have quite a lot of “past,” but it is becoming “harder” to remember all that has been. You have experienced the frustration of relating to and with your Dad and your Mother-in-law, both with longer “pasts” than yours, of course, but with . . .

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