Around The Table

FEB. 15, 1982, 5:29 AM

You knew, o son, that I would have a comment or two on the group meeting last evening around your big table. It represented movement in a good direction, both for that class group and for you, as the means for these teachings to take form and become part of earth life.

The setting is a marvelous one for fellowship in the best sense. During the colder months the fire burns in a friendly fashion, a wonderful secondary focus; in the warmer months the windows can be open and the breezes can blow on and around the relating group. The table is the central focus, a unique gathering place. Food improves the relating, and food that is brought and shared is the best of all. Keep this all in mind as you think about effectiveness in communication.

You left the evening unstructured, and this was good for some. The fact of your teaching from Me as the firm basis for this fellowship was always in evidence, yet some got to talk about related spiritual matters. It is good that the teachings serve as a catalyst as well as a direct source of information. Some present, however, would have profited from a bit more structure… probably a focal teaching. When this group meets again, have a teaching ready. Use it lightly and gently, but have it as a means for bringing the conversation back to a common point. It need not be as dominant as the one for your morning class, but it could be helpful.

You played your proper role rather well. Know that you are not to be a “guru” type. You are not to be the focus. You are the teacher, but your task is to encourage interaction AND to work for learning from these teachings. You shall be “well-educated” for this responsibility to the extent that you study the pages of these volumes you have. To be uninformed about these special communications to you and to the world (in a limited sense) through you is not acceptable. Put positively: KNOW THESE TEACHINGS. They are your most important source of information… about almost everything of importance.

You felt again My nudging you in relation to a student group. Start small, but get something going before the fireplace weather is gone. I tell you again… you shall wonder why you waited so long. (You see that I can get caught up in this “time” thing. You know it doesn’t make any great difference whether it is done “soon” or “later”, but I just want you to have this experience.)

Around the table… a time to listen carefully… for wisdom and for cries of need. As you and Lenore bring a group together the needs of one, expressed in the conversation around the table may eventually be met by another, who perhaps said nothing at the time. The one who helps, of course, may receive more benefit from the spiritual act than the one helped. This is not why one should help, but it is important to keep in mind.

FEB. 15, 1982, 5:29 AM

You knew, o son, that I would have a comment or two on the group meeting last evening around your big table. It represented movement in a good direction, both for that class group and for you, as the means for these teachings to take form and become part of earth life.

The setting is a marvelous one for fellowship in the best sense. During the colder months the fire burns in a friendly fashion, a wonderful secondary focus; in the warmer months the windows can be open and the . . .

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