At Least It’s Started…

SAT., SEPT. 28, 1996, 7:19 AM AT LEAST IT’S STARTED…

You certainly have had difficulty in developing and writing this present Ruminations. You don’t remember any that seemed so hard to envision and then actually write and produce. There have been some, but, blessedly, there is no need to recall and dwell on such struggles.

Why the “problem”? I am quite aware of your “creeping slowness” and of priorities that conflict. Yes, today you should do the church Newsletter so you can leave it with Carolyn tomorrow. You have wanted to hold to your practice of returning student papers the next class meeting, and I approve of such discipline. Your compromise this time can be finishing those of students who are not around during the week, completing the others on Wednesday. You have the 2 Tuesday classes fairly well organized already… at least some good “ahead” planning ( 7:33 / 9:58 ) Then there’s the visit of these relatives at such a busy time, but you need to be “around” some and cordially enjoy their visit.

This Ruminations is more “complex” than the normal ones, with just you and Me. Now you have Me in two “forms”, and the Conversations… Me is, of course, speaking to a servant different from you in several ways. I want you to concentrate on the statements I made to Neale that are like the ones I’ve offered you, primarily. But just to illustrate My penchant for diversity you can include one or more of the “conflicts”. But remember that the Gospel of John is different from the Gospel of Mark, and you’ve found the genealogies in Matthew and Luke don’t agree very often. (As Jesus I was in the lineage of David, but did I come through Solomon or Nathan?)

Some of the differences among Christians come from conflicting Scriptural passages… though most arise from interpretations of what these mean. I love the diversity of My creation, even of those I call especially to be “special” to Me, for My purposes. You were initially bothered, after I began to shower you with Teachings, that these didn’t agree fully with words I sent through Mabel, your Mother-in-law and a servant of Mine for many more years than you had. I told you that her ministry is to some who would not respond to you… and vice versa. So, I’ll say again, anyone who insists I must be totally consistent is creating another god, however superior to Me he or she may seem.

You have experienced very little of this present earth scene directly. In your time and culture you can experience much more vicariously, but still there is much diversity you just cannot absorb and internalize. Then think of all the cultures and the individuals who have gone on before you, much of which was not recorded in any way that you could even try to understand and respond to. You now have read, reread and led discussions on the Clan and Ayla enough so that you can imagine yourself in that lifestyle, with a totem that defined you in some ways and faith in a mystical bear named Ursus, a son of whom was sacrificed each year. You could drink the blood and eat the flesh, a kind of precursor to the World Communion that will be celebrated the first Sunday of next month. Different, but with some similarities.

There is certainly one basic agreement: with both of you I am an easy conversationalist Spirit/God. I speak in ways you can understand, I know your life and lifestyle and can advise you relevantly. And with both of you I have fun, saying some surprising things. You, even you, can lecture, professionally, to a group of graduate students… and you also can read stories to Kate and Bekah. If you can be this adaptable you can’t even imagine how diverse I can be… have to be to relate well with all that I have created.

SAT., SEPT. 28, 1996, 7:19 AM AT LEAST IT’S STARTED…

You certainly have had difficulty in developing and writing this present Ruminations. You don’t remember any that seemed so hard to envision and then actually write and produce. There have been some, but, blessedly, there is no need to recall and dwell on such struggles.

Why the “problem”? I am quite aware of your “creeping slowness” and of priorities that conflict. Yes, today you should do the church Newsletter so you can leave it with Carolyn tomorrow. You have wanted to hold to your practice . . .

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