
APR. 17, 1981, 6:23 AM

Yes, o son, go back through all of the other thoughts and events of the last two days and center on that which was Duane’s theme last evening, for I have some light to shed on that… which you also can share with Diane. She asked… and with her you should share.

Let me first emphasize what you heard, apparently for the first time… that atonement is first and foremost “at-one-ment”. It is being at-one with Me. And this cannot be achieved by your efforts alone. It commences with an initiative from Me, which, theoretically, is the same for every person. You realize, of course, that this initiative is variable… for two reasons. First, though I do call everyone I am more insistent on and demanding of some individuals. I have purposes, and I need certain people to be at-one with Me. I call such rather loudly and persistently. They don’t all come immediately, consistently, and faithfully, but at least they hear Me.

The other reason for variability is the extent of spiritual development… what I like to call progress along the path. Those who are fairly far along the path have a felt need to be at one with Me that may be hampered but is not overcome by needs to be independent. As I have told you before, you, for example, have chosen to be born and live in a culture that emphasizes individual independence. In such a Milieu it takes more spiritual maturity to hear My call and respond. Then you find that as you become at-one with Me your individual self is enhanced more than it could have been striving for such by your own means.

A great spiritual truth thus looms. Often that which you desire most can be achieved best and most quickly by denying the need and serving others in some way. Then that which you want comes indirectly. You want to be an independent person, with capacities to function independently. Give yourself to Me… accept at-one-ment… and you shall receive powers that you could not have received by your own efforts.

But what about the atonement that has been bought by the shed blood of Me as Jesus? Same principle. By the giving up of life in the flesh, life in the spirit is enhanced. And it was a matter of motivation more than deed. My motivation came from being at-one with the Father. I desired to serve His needs. I knew the way was the way of the cross, but this was mixed with a certain fondness for life as I was experiencing it… and a desire to have My disciples understand spiritual matters more clearly.
I knew the Way, but it seemed, in earthly terms, to be a risk. I went the Way of the Cross, experienced death and achieved eternal life… and led the way for you and all others. My disciples were scattered as I feared they would be, but My life became legend and Scripture. Out of life came death and then life again. Out of failure came success. My Body was reconstituted as the Church, and it functions as an imperfect means to certain earthly achievements… just as My earth body did.

Atonement is My gift to you, as Duane said, out of love. Yet you have to be spiritually ready or you do not truly hear My offer. At this season each year many come, presumably to hear the Good news of at-one-ment. Most do not truly hear and go on unchanged. Well, not quite. For each season of Easter is a time of change for some… a time of growth. Just as you heard that atonement is also at-one-ment, so others hear, as if afresh, bits of truth that bring them closer to Me… more able to accept My gift and My yoke.

As your spirit becomes more free it is more willing to be yoked with Mine. This does not seem wise, in worldly terms. But it is. The gift of atonement is yours. Do you hear Me offering? Accept in love.

Amen on a Friday.