Attachment, II

FRI., OCT. 3, 1986, 9:22 AM

The stream flows by with its persistent sound. The sun is warm on your back, and your fingers are warm enough to guide the pen. So in this familiar but occasional place hear My Teaching as your life and learning continue. You did heed My call. If you are to be “attached” to anything, let it be My Presence and My observations to you, o son.

As I told you earlier, this trip and its many experiences is a fine exercise in giving up attachment. Now let’s clarify that. The spiritual principle is: giving up something good for something better. Attachment is a good. You feel attachment to your wife, your family, your Farm, your teaching position, and your profession. You feel attachment to certain other people, to the Church, and, certainly, to Me. This reality allows, even empowers, you to relate, to feel and live these relationships. Life without attachment would be just existence… at least for you in your stage of development. (As you know, My messages to persons are many and varied. These to you may or may not apply to others.)

Yet the greater good is to give up the attachment to aspects of your life and then create or accept the attachment to something or someone (or some situation) new. Knowing that every experience you have is one of potential spiritual growth gives you ultimate freedom in selecting or accepting a great span of experiences, for it is seldom that you shall have to ponder which is the most important or valuable. For instance, you helped with the preparation of breakfast for the campers this morning, while you could have been receiving this Teaching. This is of greater value… right? You selected properly, and here you are. The best combination for this day.

Your approach to health is a super positive one, as it should be. Yet this week you have had to put aside that attachment in order to relate to these colleagues who see life in terms of problems, problems. Your attachment to even your dearest principles must not be firm and final, for that which is commendable can swiftly become a millstone. Remember that this whole life experience in the earth is but one segment of a journey, which is “shortened” by grace, but which still is like unto this short time at Paradise Springs.

The “secret” of the life of spirit it to give up attachments easily, and just as easily pick up others. You were attached and committed to the convention these past days, but you gave it up and entered into life here fully and joyfully. You shall give this up and enter another full-bodied attachment. Don’t tiptoe around the experiences of life. Plunge in with the spiritual knowledge that I am the Catalyst that makes each a time of growth and/or a time of just blessing.

If you knew that this would be the last time you would “ever” be in this place with these people you should act and react no differently than if you expected to visit here repeatedly throughout the rest of your life. You have a mind and spirit picture of this place which you can call up at any time. In times of detachment this becomes part of the blessing of memory and re-creation.

FRI., OCT. 3, 1986, 9:22 AM

The stream flows by with its persistent sound. The sun is warm on your back, and your fingers are warm enough to guide the pen. So in this familiar but occasional place hear My Teaching as your life and learning continue. You did heed My call. If you are to be “attached” to anything, let it be My Presence and My observations to you, o son.

As I told you earlier, this trip and its many experiences is a fine exercise in giving up attachment. Now let’s clarify that . . .

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