Attention To Holiness

SUN., JAN. 16, 1983, 5:50 AM

The lesson for this morning is one particularly appropriate for a Sabbath, and this is the Sabbath for you and your fellow Christians. It shall be a reminder that I want you to keep before you all of this day, o son… a reminder of an aspect of the life of spirit that you have not emphasized enough in your presentations. Here and now. Attention! This is the moment. Concentrate upon the now. How and why do these terms represent spirit… and holiness? Listen and learn, o servant of Mine.

Yours is a culture that encourages thinking in the past, present, and future. Responsible actions that take place in the present should be grounded in the wisdom of the past and pointed toward the achievement of some worthy goal in the future. A sense of history is important… but not for the aspect of spirit that I emphasize this morning. Predictions about the future are responsible, but are not the focus of this Teaching. Instead of “remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy” let Me substitute “live in the here and now of the Sabbath… put full attention to the Sabbath… in order to keep it holy.”

I remind you again that for Me life is timeless. Therefore relationship with Me must have a timeless quality to it. I have directed you not to even glance at a clock or watch as you are writing in this meditative mode. You may attend to your fires when this is necessary, and, in the past you have repastured cows and accomplished other vital tasks during the meditation. It even is permissible to have some coffee… but it is not proper to keep track of time. The time at the beginning and end is part of the authentication process, which circumscribes the here and now moment in which We communicated. You are still overly concerned with time as you do this meditation, but you abide by the condition faithfully.

This is a symbol of the timelessness that is the nature of life with Me. Your time notations can remind you, when this Teaching is part of history and the past, of the time spent, but during the writing I want no sense of time… of “am I going to finish in an hour?” or “My, this is taking a long time.” Abide with Me, as you have in eons past and as you shall in a timeless future.

An important aspect of the admonition not to work on the Sabbath involves My desire that you not be concerned with past or present. You can be aware of holiness best when you are concentrating on any task or event for it, as it is, not in terms of what preceded it, how soon will it be over, and what comes next and how long will it take… and… . Focus attention on whatever it is you are doing, and do it wholly and, hence, in a holy fashion. Perhaps this day you shall see the sun rise. See if you can observe that wholly, without concern for how long it is taking, what you could be doing instead, or what you will do next.

SUN., JAN. 16, 1983, 5:50 AM

The lesson for this morning is one particularly appropriate for a Sabbath, and this is the Sabbath for you and your fellow Christians. It shall be a reminder that I want you to keep before you all of this day, o son… a reminder of an aspect of the life of spirit that you have not emphasized enough in your presentations. Here and now. Attention! This is the moment. Concentrate upon the now. How and why do these terms represent spirit… and holiness? Listen and learn, o servant of . . .

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