
SAT., APR. 12, 1986, 3:58 PM

It is a warm afternoon, and your time of convention is drawing to a close. You have yet to make your presentations, but you now feel prepared sufficiently. Yet you must not move through the rest of this day without this exercise in attunement. You are not surprised that I am here, and you are interested in My comments. Hear, then, o son.

Attunement can be quite a human matter. One individual can be attuned to another because of personality, similar interests, social likeness, and other such qualities. There is even more attunement when each feels and acknowledges the relationship, in potential or in actuality. Yet it is difficult to keep an attuned relationship from becoming more and more spiritual. You have met two women today with whom you feel attuned because of your coming participation in this program. And still you are eager to know more about them as spiritual beings… and what is the relationship of each with Me. You are less and less satisfied with attunements that are just social and psychological. Good for you!

Attunement can also be used to describe relationship with a group. You feel this in relation to your university… to your church… even to this convention. Though this seems to be a nice city you feel no real attunement to it. If you were in a convention of florists or dog trainers you would feel little attunement. It is a sense, from vague to strongly positive, of commonalities, similarities, and ways in which you believe and act… and think… in common ways.

But again (and this surely does not surprise you) attunement can only be partial if spirit is not a grounding and an encircling base. True attunement comes from Me. I am the vine. You are the branches. When a branch of Me is attuned to another branch of Me attunement is much more possible and comes with less time and effort. Further, attunements that have been established and then lie fallow for some time can be more readily reestablished when I am involved. You have had a good attunement with Nancy for several years. What she shared with you this morning increased that attunement quickly, even though you had not talked together like that for some time.

She is feeling a definite attunement with Me, and this is abetting her attunement with students in her classes and others with whom she relates. It is not your role to tell her what she should do, but it is right that you share the need to be patient, even as she is aware and appreciative. She shall serve Me well, as she is doing now, but she can become more comfortable with this calling. It shall not be long before she knows.

There is a Christian concept of heaven as a place of reward for a life (of any length) given to Me. The Scriptural passages that are given credit for describing this “site for eternal life” are not very clear nor very consistent. Let Me offer “attunement” as an important descriptor for heaven. After bodily death you can accept an attunement with Me, and I offer it by “coming down” to you. You have a panoramic sense of all you have been, and the focus is on how you have done what I have asked of you. This is happy and satisfying relationship… attunement.

And yet from this attunement comes the realization of growth still unrealized. You need not respond to this. I offer you nothing but the loving desire that you continue to grow in service to Me, even by way of others. Finally you shall respond, not out of compulsion, but out of love and desire to be even more attuned. Hence heaven is both peace and security… and opportunity for a closer walk.

SAT., APR. 12, 1986, 3:58 PM

It is a warm afternoon, and your time of convention is drawing to a close. You have yet to make your presentations, but you now feel prepared sufficiently. Yet you must not move through the rest of this day without this exercise in attunement. You are not surprised that I am here, and you are interested in My comments. Hear, then, o son.

Attunement can be quite a human matter. One individual can be attuned to another because of personality, similar interests, social likeness, and other such qualities. There is even . . .

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