
TUES., JAN. 26, 1988, 6:34 AM

One of the important questions in many human situations here in the earth is, “Who has the authority?”… which translates to “Who is responsible?… Who makes decisions?” This is a vital social and political question, but, naturally, it also is a spiritual question… or more plainly, o son, it is fundamentally a spiritual question.

Initially, authority belongs with creation, except where the creation is carried out by some who were not the original designer. As Almighty Yahweh I created this earth and set into motion many creative processes. All creatures created to survive has an effective reproductive process. Humans had such a process functioning before they became My ultimate creation, that with the immortal soul, which came from Me and eventually would return to Me.

Therefore, it appears, in any pregnancy and birth, that those who have come together sexually are responsible for the conception, and therefore they have authority over the child that is born. This is a good and necessary delegation of authority by Me. However, when an individual grows out of childhood I desire that she transfer the mantle of authority from parents to Me. In your culture there is a high value on taking personal responsibility, which tends to include the premise of self-authority. I accept this as a temporary stage (not necessary for some), but it is sad when a person does not accept My presence as the Creator, the One responsible, and therefore the One in authority. Still… time is not an ultimate factor, and it is just as good for an older person to accept Me as it is for one younger. The commitment is important, not when it happens.

You are aware of the concept of “co-creation.” This is a proper one for human life, and I am pleased to be a co-creator with each of those who turn to Me. As one of these you have authority over and responsibility for many of the details of your daily life. Yet you are coming to accept that I have final authority and have been involved in many of the life decisions you thought you had made alone or with other people. I have not often intruded, but I have been an active co-Creator in your life… as I am in many others.

Last evening you heard and observed the President of your republic speak about authority in your governmental structure. In your form there always is a struggle between the executive and those elected as legislators, for each would like to have the final authority (though there frequently is a scramble to avoid final responsibility). Yours is a secular government, so final authority cannot be given to Me directly. Each President gives this some lip service (and some feel it as actual), but it is not proper to give Me actual authority.

What do I think about this? Despite what Paul suggested to those in Rome (which is now Holy Writ) I do not institute governments as such. There certainly are human advantages in a truly working representative democracy, but I do not institute these as My only way. There are advantages in a government based in My revelations to humans, with Me acknowledged as the Head. However these are not My only way either. As political systems differ they offer different ways for souls to turn and become committed to Me. And, as you know, I like diversity in such opportunities, for I have co-created a diverse lot of humans.

Many humans accept that I, in one Form or another, by one Name or another, am the Ultimate Authority. Many accept, in ways like you do, that they co-create with Me, and only share responsibilities, for I am an active, participative Lord. I have many ways of exerting My will, and I am generally respectful of the human condition, for each is part of My creation. Do what you can to show and tell to others that life is good with the authority given to Me. Accepting full responsibility for your life is not mature. I am a vital part of all decisions, and I do like the authority I have.

In peace
7:36 AM