Awaiting Words From Me

MON., SEPT. 3, 2001, 2:40 PM

It is a warm late summer day, and you are here in this still-messy Study, ready for a Teaching from Me. You have been re-reading some from 8 years ago… and now from earlier in the summer. You find these to be “good reading,” and you do wonder how I can have “more to say.” As you read some of these “Books” of the Old Testament (some 3 chapters only) you find yourself comparing these “official Scriptures” with the many volumes of My Teachings to you over more than 20 years… and it makes you wonder which are the “REAL SCRIPTURES”. You know the “official answer,” but it is hard to feel that these ancient writings are more relevant than these of Ours, in both handwritten and printed forms.

You accept, of course, that I chose you… for this task… this honor. You were… and are… not worthy of such a calling, but, then, who is? You were well-educated, in your culture’s terms, but not in a seminary or even a Christian-related university. You were in a professional field that was… and is… officially secular, but because health “bumps up against” illness, disability, and death it can be open to some spiritual concepts.

(It is interesting, isn’t it, that though scientific medical practice doesn’t acknowledge a spiritual dimension to life [at least in relation to Me] when bodily death is imminent clergy are often expected, even invited. Hmmm…)

What do I have to say to you about tomorrow’s “procedure”… the laser treatment of your “good eye”? You are subjecting yourself to this treatment in hopes that your functional eyesight will be prolonged… more than it would if left untreated. This is a “medical gamble,” and you are aware of this. You must “leave it to Me” as to what the results will be. A “worst case” would be some “mistake” that would mean blindness in this left eye, requiring much change in your life. This isn’t much of a possibility, but you need to consider it, as one possible result.

If, on the other hand, the procedure “works” continued adequate eyesight (as now) will be yours for the rest of what will not be a long life. You have no desire to live on to the ages of your parents or of Mabel, your Mother-in-law. You have no more needs to accomplish, here in the earth (except, of course, for hearing and recording these Teachings of mine and creating the Ruminations from these… now quite “overdue”!) and it is less and less wonderful to live on with accumulating losses. Just leave it to Me. I’ll see that whatever future you have, here, is as spirit-raising as I can help make it.

You still are doing rather well in coming for these Teachings each week. I do notice that this is a rather “rare one”… on a Monday. You may have observed that after Sundays, when you usually read what you have received during the week to Lenore, you usually don’t give Me another “chance” until at least Wednesday. This week, then, you may have more than 3 or 4 OR you may space them differently. (This really makes no difference to Me. I am available any time you decide to come – on a “schedule” or by some other compulsion.)

You know you would prefer that this room be less cluttered, but you also accept that “comfortable neatness” is not one of your virtues. I am occasionally bothered by Our Place, here, but your faithfulness to Me is of more import.

Just as you can’t seem to get all of your grass mowed neatly each week, so it is harder to accomplish many other tasks that used to be easier. As you re-read some of these Teachings from 7 or 8 years ago you sense that you were frustrated with what you felt you had to accomplish as a professor/professional and for Me. Now you have much less to accomplish, but, with age, you’ve lost energy and drive that are essential for such “deeds.”

MON., SEPT. 3, 2001, 2:40 PM

It is a warm late summer day, and you are here in this still-messy Study, ready for a Teaching from Me. You have been re-reading some from 8 years ago… and now from earlier in the summer. You find these to be “good reading,” and you do wonder how I can have “more to say.” As you read some of these “Books” of the Old Testament (some 3 chapters only) you find yourself comparing these “official Scriptures” with the many volumes of My Teachings to you over more than . . .

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