Awareness, No Ka Oe

SUN., NOV. 3, 1996, 1:40 PM

It has been a Sunday, even thus far, of both nostalgia and spiritual enrichment. You almost worked up a sweat walking some blocks in downtown Long Beach, noting a few buildings that seemed “landmarked”, but also realizing the years that have passed since you were young and this was your home… at least your parental home.

The wonderful picture of the old Methodist Church in which you grew up brought memories, but it was there in the northex of the “new sanctuary”, the building of which was one of your Dad’s “accomplishments”. Then you were recognized, and Addie was mostly responsible for that rejuvenation of youth, introducing you, a legitimately old man, to several as the son of your still remembered parents. You were aware of how your presence was a stimulus to some of those older seniors, who still have some recollection of the enthusiastic, capable contributions of both your Mother and your Dad.

It was sad to see the sparse congregation in that spacious sanctuary, being ministered to by two fine servants of Mine. Yes, o son, there is an almost inevitable ebb after a healthy flow… a time to build up and a time to break down. You were aware of a genuine “preacher”, who had a worthwhile message, with a minimum of notes, and apparently no written out sermon. I, too, love real preaching, in the actual pulpit, not a rerun of thoughts in the study. Remember this on Tuesday as you do your hospice presentation. You can have notes, but use them as seldom as possible.

Paula’s message brought you to awareness of the stewardship drive that is now, or soon will be, an emphasis in your home church. It caused you to consider an increase in your pledge, and you shall increase it, not for favorite programs of yours, but for Me. I give to you. You, in turn, and in awareness of My sovereignty over and care for you, give to the Church and to other causes. You have much, and you should give more to Me in symbolic offering. You certainly can afford it.

You were aware of much non-religious spirit in the reunion of you old football players. There was plenty of hugging and some reminiscing… back to a time when you all were young, strong, and successful as a team. There was spirit then, and there was evident spirit in the interactions yesterday. This is spirit that isn’t directly related to Me, but of which I approve. I respond to athletic team spirit, and it was not an accident that you were part of spirited teams, and that you began your career coaching with spirit and encouraging this in your boys that made up your teams. Yes, you should plan to be at that 45th reunion of such youngsters next year. These remembrances are definitely spirit enhancing.

The encounters this evening and then tomorrow should be more directly spiritual, if you are as aware as you should be of opportunities to explore the current spirituality of these “folks from the past”.

Explore with Marion and Frank how spirit was important in their separate recoveries from alcoholism… the downside of a potential life blessing. You were together in high school, but then your life paths diverged, and now you come back together, able to help each other be more aware of how earth life can have so many “twists and turns”. Help them to appreciate how your life has been, in relation to alcohol, and let them give you stories that will be valuable to you in several future teaching situations.

Just as the foliage you see outside now and that you have encountered in these three days is quite different from what you enjoy at home, so the parts of your life that were “enacted” in this region are different from what now is normal. Yet there are connections, and I want you to be increasingly aware of how spirit is the key factor in letting you appreciate ways and circumstances in which you have learned and grown in that spirit that allowed and encouraged the learning.

SUN., NOV. 3, 1996, 1:40 PM

It has been a Sunday, even thus far, of both nostalgia and spiritual enrichment. You almost worked up a sweat walking some blocks in downtown Long Beach, noting a few buildings that seemed “landmarked”, but also realizing the years that have passed since you were young and this was your home… at least your parental home.

The wonderful picture of the old Methodist Church in which you grew up brought memories, but it was there in the northex of the “new sanctuary”, the building of which was one . . .

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