Back To… Busy Life!

WED., JUNE 23, 1999, 8:38 AM

Yes, o son, this is the 5th day since My last Teaching to you, in the Hamamoto cabaña. You have returned home with only minor difficulties, and there were no crises here. But you have yet to experience the time for nourishment of your soul. Oh, I certainly recognize that family relations are often soul-nurturing, and I am surely in favor of these. Yet your balance, at your time in life, needs to include more time for reading and contemplation… thus “fulfilling” the designation of a “semi-monk,” at least.

I recognize that it is hard to disengage from family activities, when the time is short for some of these. So do the best you can, and, as you did this morning, have this pad and pen with you and “take the time” to hear Me. You don’t feel comfortable in not entering into family interchanges, but your spirit does need these times with Me and… alone. So the summer will quiet down and life will be easier.

Your visit to Hawaii, with the family there, and those from long ago at Punahou, was a pleasant one…and one helpful to son Matthew in reexperiencing some earlier visits. You note that he did want to hear all of the Teaching you had while there. As I have told you, he has none of the “religious opposition” to these that sons Bob and Michael have/had. Sometime you need to engage him in conversation, finding out how he views these and how he sees spirit as a part of his being. You may be surprised in some of his responses.

But now… to your busy life. You have a dissertation to read… at least well enough to participate actively in Ralph’s oral. His topic and his research approach are those that still interest you, so give it the time and attention he deserves.

Your Farm looks more than a bit over-grown and shabby. Time, attention, and muscle power are all it needs. Just keep working at it, some every day, restoring and maintaining its beauty. This should be primarily “spirit-work,” not merely physical. Yet also appreciate what nature does, without your help, in this season of growth. ( 9:06 / 9:10 )

In your Church life the “burden” of the newsletter has been lifted from you, and though there is some regret, you can accept this loss, with some pleasure. You still remain as Clerk of Session, and this, also, has its joys and sorrows. Even as Session meetings seem to have less and less spiritual “content” to them you plan, now, to finish out your term, going through the interim period… perhaps into the beginning of your next installed pastor’s time with you.

It is no longer important for you to be the functionally active churchman that you have been. Leave those responsibilities and chores to those younger and eager for service. It still will be good for you and Lenore to be greeters and to host the coffee hour. Consider and devise some short “courses” for Adult Study, perhaps even “sneaking in” some of these Teachings. It’s been awhile since you have done such.

It is only barely important for you to become “proficient” with your Web TV thing. As I have told you, I am far from an avid proponent of all that is electronically possible. If you truly feel the urge to “go online,” I have no objection. Yet just as I favor this way of communicating I am not pushing you to “electronic literacy and competence.” Just enjoy being a comfortable “old person.” It is a uniquely good time of life.

WED., JUNE 23, 1999, 8:38 AM

Yes, o son, this is the 5th day since My last Teaching to you, in the Hamamoto cabaña. You have returned home with only minor difficulties, and there were no crises here. But you have yet to experience the time for nourishment of your soul. Oh, I certainly recognize that family relations are often soul-nurturing, and I am surely in favor of these. Yet your balance, at your time in life, needs to include more time for reading and contemplation… thus “fulfilling” the designation of a “semi-monk,” at . . .

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