
Aug. 23, 1979, 6:07 AM

This is an interesting time, o son, for thoughts and ideas flow together like many rivers, large and small.  In this coming together, the value of any one seems to be lost (and it is, in a pure sense), but No… it is evident as it colors or flavors the main stream… which is you… in concert with Me.  Worry not that yours will be the final synthesis, either.  You shall testify, and others will take what you profess and what you are and see it as an inflow to them.  To some it will be a small rivulet, to some a significant stream, and to others a bounding, mighty river.

The balance to achieve is the balance for you.  Your balance will not be someone else’s.  Yes, I led you to Illusions, and I always lead you back to Beyond Theology.  These are scripture for you.  (The distinction is that The Bible is Scripture for everyone… or should be… but there will be myriad scriptures for the variety of My children.  Yet, clearly, some Scriptures from the scriptures are of more important and value to you than to other Christians.  So has it been… and so will it be.)  Balance the scriptures with your own enlightened thought.  Balance with the experiences of others.  Balance, importantly, with observations.

Yes, here comes awareness, our major premise of health.  Be more fully aware of how other people are, and of how many other aspects of the world are.  But the awareness is yours.  The “things” of which you should be aware are those that can better your balance.  You are right in making choices against experiences that for you are not appropriate.  These are not easy decisions, but keep our Use of Time principle always handy.

Now, some reenlightenment on balance.  Affirm always that this balance is a dynamic rather than a stable concept.  That’s why Rhythm is such an important concept.  The two are different words for the same idea.  Balance is not something to be achieved and then maintained.  You see, in your mind’s eye, the children’s toy of many-shaped building blocks, and you remember that the task was to continue to build and maintain the balance, not to stop and say, “Aha, done!”  Even should it collapse from an improper addition, the pieces are still all there with which to rebuild, and you may have a better plan for balancing them after a collapse.  So balance is not a goal, but a process.  It is as vital to bring imbalance when the balance has become static as to restore the balance when one influence has become overbearing.

The other important premise is to appreciate.  Appreciate the people… and what each can bring.  Appreciate your capacity to bring something to others “from you I receive, to you I give” is the rhythm.  Then appreciation of each is the final necessity.

Aspire not to be in someone else’s place.  Know what yours is, and move toward filling it more amply.  The balance of being yourself and in relationship to others is one of life’s challenges.  As you discerned yesterday, your balance has been and should be now a bit more toward self.  This does not have to be selfish.  That’s up to you.  Many of My servants have done more for others as a result of being more to themselves than they would have with more open, active service.  The balance is different for different folks.  I need many balances to achieve My celestial rhythm.

The idea about the songs is good.  Make your contribution.  Some will find it helpful.  And from it ideas will flow back to you.

It was pleasing to Me that you used this time to record these words.  You must get to your paper, but that is part of another rhythm.  Appreciate this one, now, fully while you are a part of it.  Be My servant.  Remember My power.  And I do use it.  Rest in Me this day.


6:58 AM