
FRI., FEB. 10, 1984, 6:47 AM

Life is a matter of balancing. A long, full, enjoyable life is one where the balancing is done skillfully, lovingly, and rather unselfishly by self… and where the balances not controlled by self are ideal. Shortened lives or sordid ones are those in which the balancing is done poorly. Still, it is not always possible to know, in advance, how balancing shall be. Hear, o son, as I tell you of this truth of life.

There is much, and a great diversity of, balancing going on in any life. And then all of these balancings merge into a rhythm… very smooth to very uneven. For example, use of time is an important matter of balance for you. Your culture is time conscious, and you are in a position where this consciousness is valued, and you, personally, feel the pressures uncomfortably. Lenore is less time conscious than you are, so you both need to balance in your life together. You must remember that the way that seems best to you is only a preference and not necessarily better for all or for all situations. You know, certainly, that some variety in your time balancing is desirable and necessary.

A vital balancing is that involving your life with Me, directly and consciously, and your secular and professional life. At this time you seem to be moving away from a balanced linkage of these to one of more separateness. I shall suggest that this is a wrong direction, and I urge you to gently move back toward a balance where these are more related. This is not to say that you are to be perceived by all as a spiritualist or a religious freak, but you are to be more honestly overt about spiritual matters than most of your colleagues. You have not continued your writing of spiritual stories, and that is an important ingredient in this balance. Restore this priority.

Physically, your balance is basically good for a person of your age. You can still do a fair amount of physical labor with comfort, and you can ride your bicycle and walk quite naturally. You are dissatisfied with the balance of your eating and the exercise that shall prevent fat accumulation, and you shall have to decide what balance is best, overall. When you decide, then be accepting of the balance. What is undesirable is the desire for one balance, combined with the unwillingness or inability to achieve that. The result is a greater imbalance in total life. Unfortunate.

Your main imbalance is in desiring and trying to do more than is possible for one of your abilities, temperament and age, in a time conscious life situation. It is good to be diverse in interests… it is good to seek excellence… it is good to plan ahead… but it is not good to feel, almost constantly, the frustration of tasks not completed and opportunities not fulfilled. I know that I often contribute to this through what I ask of you, but I am a most important part of your balancing, and you must include Me, as I desire. Your thoughts about the sabbatical experience are acceptable. Set this down on paper, consider the possibilities, and then wait for My guidance. This has been a good experience for you, but I want it to be educational and not onerous. Await My advice.

FRI., FEB. 10, 1984, 6:47 AM

Life is a matter of balancing. A long, full, enjoyable life is one where the balancing is done skillfully, lovingly, and rather unselfishly by self… and where the balances not controlled by self are ideal. Shortened lives or sordid ones are those in which the balancing is done poorly. Still, it is not always possible to know, in advance, how balancing shall be. Hear, o son, as I tell you of this truth of life.

There is much, and a great diversity of, balancing going on in any life. And then . . .

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