Balancing, Balancing

SAT., JULY 31, 1999, 6:05 AM

Your young rooster seems to have finished his early morning crowing, your groin is uncomfortable, and it shall be another hot day. You did turn the water off, but not the fan. Healthy life is a matter of balancing… in many ways, and one vital balance is how often you come to Me, Holy Spirit, for a Teaching. A good balance is now being restored.

It now is a quiet summer morning, with animal sounds now diminished, and, now, all of the fans hushed for a time. You must prepare for your part in the Paddon’s “party,” but you’re uneasy about how you should do this… what you should say…and not say. This is not a really critical balance, but it is a bit worrisome.

It feels good not to have the Newsletter responsibility continuing, but you did “mess up” with the Session minutes – wrote them early and then forgot about them… or why you didn’t give them to Lori. That’s not a grinding responsibility, that of Session Clerk, but you should develop a better balance in this last year or so of this responsibility. ( 6:22 / 6:24 )

You will be a full month late in getting all of this current green Ruminations out into the hands of readers. Wisely, you’re seeking a better balance in this quarter, hoping to decide on a theme… this coming week? … and then selecting the Teachings soon after, so that it will be written and mailed by the end of September. That seems quite possible now, but… yes, look at this desk, table, and total chaotic study.

It doesn’t seem possible that this fine room of Ours can ever be in a neat condition. So, you have to decide whether to attempt such a change, which could take several days, OR whether you just “live with” this clutter as an aspect of your continuing life. It has been “representative” in the past, for you have had many responsibilities… and you resist throwing away… or even storing… what you have here and what is added to this, almost daily. This was an acceptable, if not an ideal, balance in your “working years,” but it needn’t be carried over into these Emeritus times. The balance should be a better one. Say I. ( 6:42 / 6:45 )

You have started some more appropriate reading now – the re-reading of books and stories that you read and appreciated in earlier years. Now you should be re-appreciating the ideas as they come to you now, in this “older edition” of yourself. These readings should lead to contemplation about life, especially the spiritual dimension and how it can be… and is… manifested in so many diverse ways. That’s the point of such reading now. There’s no “rush to finish.”

Part of your “ideal balance,” at this time in your life and on this place, is physical work. Because of this heat and the absence of rain you have let the lawn grow so it no longer looks neat, which also means that you are not doing the mowing and raking that is part of the “ideal.” This “spell” can’t last forever. Rain and cool will return, and you’ll be able to achieve a better balance as this extreme “season” wanes.

Letter and card writing should be a regular part of your best balance. You still must do it “by hand,” but know that this is an appreciated form of communication, and many do want to hear from you. Notes on the bottom of some Ruminations is a good practice, but you need to aim for a better balance in the letter form of communication.

SAT., JULY 31, 1999, 6:05 AM

Your young rooster seems to have finished his early morning crowing, your groin is uncomfortable, and it shall be another hot day. You did turn the water off, but not the fan. Healthy life is a matter of balancing… in many ways, and one vital balance is how often you come to Me, Holy Spirit, for a Teaching. A good balance is now being restored.

It now is a quiet summer morning, with animal sounds now diminished, and, now, all of the fans hushed for a time. You must prepare for . . .

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