Balancing, Balancing

WED., JUNE 22, 1988, 8:26 PM

For the part of this earth in which you live this is a time of much heat and no rain. You see your own garden and its need for water, and you observed many fields as you drove today, and some of these certainly looked parched. And yet there was much growing… evidence of the faith that I, or the “nature” I created, will somehow shift the balance, allow rain to fall, and let the plants mature and produce.

You know this principle: what goes up must come down… the water absorbed from the earth and its bodies of waters must fall, as rain, somewhere. The balance just must be different in different places… and the balancing is a continuing process. As you know, I can intervene, but mostly I do not. If I answered every prayer for rain and every prayer to withhold rain this earth would be unbelievably chaotic. I regret the troubles that a balance like the one you now are experiencing creates, but the earth is functioning quite well, overall, from My perspective.

I observe the difficulties you often have in balancing opportunities within the time frame that you are in. I disapprove of some of your choices, but fundamentally you are following My suggestions rather well. You should be able to select the appropriate passages for Our coming Ruminations from all the material you have. Here again, you must balance one theme against another, My words and your responses to them… and come forth with a meaty epistle focusing on stories. I am pleased that you no longer see this as a hard task, but, rather, as a joyful time of writing about this relationship of Ours. May it ever be so.

You are aware of how you must balance your time away from the Farm and your time being its active steward. These shall be taxing decisions, for both offer opportunities for growth. It is imperative that you tackle this decision-making process when you return. Consider carefully that next conference, with the alternative uses of time. Consider time with Lenore also, for this must always be part of the balancing that you take seriously.

8:54 / 8:57

Balancing spiritually will require some new consideration, for you are losing the stimulation of your Sunday morning class. This brought some balance into your reproducing some number of Teachings, and this could be lost… with the practical imperative. Your plan of sending some to Mabel is one of which I approve. Consider this as a general alternative… reproduce some number that will be sent to certain people, with brief notes as to the applicability you see. Also consider having at least one “discussion of a Teaching” at each convention, beginning with the one this Fall in Orlando.

I continue to urge you to keep an active balance with your singing and guitar playing. This is a minor talent, but you could tell, last evening, that the practicing you did for the Rutgers and class “performances” made you more comfortable in your playing. Could it be time to learn a few new songs? or to revive some that are fading? You’ll have a nice opportunity at Synod School to use this approach to learning, so keep up some practice schedule. Balance this in.

One truth is that I am ever balancing, with individuals, groups, nations… with the physical earth… with various forms of spirits. The other equal truth is that I need never balance, for what I do or not do is always “just right” balancing. As Jesus I was a baby, a boy, and a man, with the opportunities and troubles of an earth being. I had to decide this… or that. What should I do… or not do? AND, as Jesus I was God Incarnate, with every decision perfectly made, because I was One with the Father. Whatever I did was perfection. I could do no other.

WED., JUNE 22, 1988, 8:26 PM

For the part of this earth in which you live this is a time of much heat and no rain. You see your own garden and its need for water, and you observed many fields as you drove today, and some of these certainly looked parched. And yet there was much growing… evidence of the faith that I, or the “nature” I created, will somehow shift the balance, allow rain to fall, and let the plants mature and produce.

You know this principle: what goes up must come down . . .

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