Balancing Blessedness?

WED., MAR. 10, 1993, 9:14 AM

One of My strong recommendations to you, for living this earth life, is balance in the various dimensions or Wellsprings of health. This admonition also holds for many aspects of your spiritual life, for the major balance is how you live as a middle-class American, a privileged minority, AND as a chosen child/servant of Mine. There are o so many different balances, with some desirable point to achieve, and some where different balances have merit.

Most people, even Christians, would question your balance in all the writing you do when hearing Me, the Holy Spirit. Even those who might offer some approval would include few who would aspire to do as much as you do. Remember, however, that I continue to tell you that this is a mystical calling, which means that it finally takes no time away from other important life tasks. You could count up the hours that are actually registered in receiving these Teachings, but that total number, however large it might be, would not negate my previous affirmation. The mystical/spiritual is always more true than the earthly practical.

My theme this morning, however, is a question, which in longer form would ask, “Should blessedness be balanced?” How do balance and blessedness relate? Don’t expect an either/or answer. I’m sure you didn’t!

In one sense your blessedness does not require a balance. You are blessed because I have chosen you, and you have accepted this state of being. This blessedness is full and unequivocal and is not diminished by actions of which I should disapprove. It is a gift that just keep on giving. There may be conditions in which you feel this less than “normal,” but that’s your response, not a change in this basic blessedness.

Then there is the “excess” blessedness that comes with motivations and actions that mirror My Beatitudes and some other teachings, given as Jesus. When you are humble when it would have been easy to be overproud or even appropriately dominant, the blessedness is “heaped upon you.” When you mourn a loss… a genuine mourning, not just a selfish feeling of need… you need extra blessedness. Certainly when you are made uncomfortable because of this relationship with Me you need more blessedness. You are now holding too tightly to your money and not bestowing it as you should. When your trust in Me becomes dominant again you shall be more generous and blessings will be forthcoming, and you should “feel” these.

Yet even as I say all of this I also must warn that you can become too proud of your blessedness… too cocky. When I compliment you in some way I want you to accept this with a humble spirit. As I died on the cross, as Jesus, I knew My Spirit was “safe”, I could ask the Father to forgive the executioners, I could invite the repentant criminal on the next cross to be with Me, as We went on over. And still I cried out, “Why have You forsaken Me?” Even in the fullness of My sacrificial blessedness I forgot… as a response of My lingering humanness. Hence I can understand and accept you when you “forget” and deny, in some way, your blessedness.

In one of your health models you use the term “reserve” as one for positive, holistic health. Blessedness can be a big part of a Christian’s reserve, helping to carry you through crises and times when the “realities” of earth life some dominant, even overwhelming. Thus blessedness does its own balancing, AND you can consciously shift the balance, with recollections of “who you really are.”

WED., MAR. 10, 1993, 9:14 AM

One of My strong recommendations to you, for living this earth life, is balance in the various dimensions or Wellsprings of health. This admonition also holds for many aspects of your spiritual life, for the major balance is how you live as a middle-class American, a privileged minority, AND as a chosen child/servant of Mine. There are o so many different balances, with some desirable point to achieve, and some where different balances have merit.

Most people, even Christians, would question your balance in all the writing you . . .

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