Balancing Life And Death

FRI., OCT. 16, 1992, 12:41 PM

You are now in the midst of an earth life, somewhat past the middle of this journey. You have experienced a couple of close calls with death, and, because of Pete’s death and your teaching of this course, you have given it considerable thoughts. More importantly, of course, I have given you a number of Teachings that have told you much about this part of the journey, and you have composed Ruminations from these. Stemming from your study of Philippians and Paul’s affirmation to the people in that early church, I have some more to say to you on this subject.

From My basic perspective, of course, this is a strange balance, for life… real life… continues on. The death of the body ends a human life, but then constitutes a birth process to continued life in the spirit world. In this realm (or realms, for there are a number from which to choose) you have no actual body, as you have now (with its unhealthy condition), but your spirit can “do wondrous things”, and you can “imagine” a body, if you want to, and can “put” other spirits into bodies also, if you wish. This desire usually fades somewhat quickly, and you learn, again, to deal with spirits as such. But this is a digression.

Paul wrote strongly about the balance of life and death, saying he would prefer death, which would bring him closer to Me, as Jesus. Yet he lived on and saw this continuing earth life as an opportunity for service to those in the churches he had helped to start. But he also wanted them to feel that death was not to be avoided, but, rather, to be anticipated, with joy.

How does this apply to human life in this last decade of the 20th century since My life on earth as Jesus? Your culture has developed this strong position against death, with some of My committed servants in the vanguard. In this interpretation I want more and more life, with a strong preference for the humans, and I don’t really care if the life has any discernible quality. Lives should be extended and maintained, pregnancies should not be prevented, and no abortion should be allowed. Medical practitioners who dramatically save and extend lives are more rewarded than those who encourage positive health and the prevention of dis-ease.

Now I won’t tell you that I don’t “guide” certain Christians in this way, for I do. But I urge you to understand that human life is becoming excessive, and, in order to maintain the value on this supreme creation of Mine, there must be more acceptance of death. And here is where Paul’s affirmation can be helpful. Paul saw and portrayed death as both a wonderful reunion with Me and as a sacrifice for the people he loved in the church. He wanted them to feel the same way, and it was only minimally because they were in danger, as Christians. From My death, as Jesus, he helped develop the Holy Eucharist, the remembrance of My Body, broken and My Blood shed for him and for all Christians, of that time and forever more. It was the sacrifice that came to be that most oft-repeated sacrament. Even the other sacramentals that you Protestants acknowledge, baptism, is a symbolic dying to ordinary earth life and being reborn as an acknowledged spirit in a body for an earth journey.

Your belief in this movement on, at death, to a more full life as spirit and soul is strong, but it shall be challenged as you age. Others will urge you to do all sorts of medical “things” to prolong your life and you shall have some feeling that you should. Remember this that I have said when the times of decision are upon you. Know that this is unnecessary, even severe pain relief. Pain is something to experience, and bodily pain is a feature only of this earth life. Appreciate some pain, for it is a unique earth experience.

FRI., OCT. 16, 1992, 12:41 PM

You are now in the midst of an earth life, somewhat past the middle of this journey. You have experienced a couple of close calls with death, and, because of Pete’s death and your teaching of this course, you have given it considerable thoughts. More importantly, of course, I have given you a number of Teachings that have told you much about this part of the journey, and you have composed Ruminations from these. Stemming from your study of Philippians and Paul’s affirmation to the people in that . . .

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