Basic Philosophy

SAT., MAR. 21, 1992, 6:40 AM

The Letter has been completed, and you are back for a Teaching that, potentially, could be part of a later Ruminations. You are not as pleased with this one as your have been with others. However let’s see if there are reactions from readers. You did a more thorough research job than you do on most of them, and you had more of Me than is usual. In one sense that is good. I want you to let your readers know what I share with you. On the other hand, the basic character of the Letter is in a form of dialogue between Me and thee. Some of your readers are more interested in what you say than what I utter (sad to say).

This morning, however, We shall return to basic philosophy… to what is “really real,” as I see it. All right, what, o son, is real, and what are the “priorities” of reality? The world as I, as Almighty God, created it has been researched, and it is now known that what appears to be matter is, finally, energy. Thus, in this final analysis, the matter that makes up the earth and its people… that you can see, hear, feel, taste, and smell… is not actual. This is a symbolic truth, in that from My perspective the essence of life and of this planet is spirit. However, there is important reality in the different forms of matter. Humans are, fundamentally, both energy and spirit, but, uniquely in the earth, you are in bodies with minds and with emotions. This actual you, as a living, breathing human is as real as the fundamental energy from which it is manifested. (Whew!)

In this earth there is good and evil… and a lot of mixtures thereof. Fundamentally, of course, all is of My creation and direction, so evil must come from Me, as well as the good. But this is as “unreal” as the fact that your two little dogs are, finally, just electric charges. So evil must be seen as arising in opposition to My goodness. Thus, the earth scene is a battle between good and evil, with evil often seeming to triumph. I am not supposed to be “managing” both sides, but, finally, I am.

Let Me offer you a familiar example. Humans are a good, for I created them, male and female, in My own image. Yet human action is that which is most evil. And, even more basically, though each human is a blessing, the numbers of humans in the earth is coming to be a curse. The fundamental good is becoming evil. Life is good, and death is evil. But there must be more deaths in order to prevent the evils that are inevitable with a larger human population.

Hence My basic philosophy is one of balance and rhythm rather than one of obvious good in opposition to evident evil. Your life should have a rhythm to it, but circumstances arise and decisions must be made… to maintain the rhythm or change it, for the good of self or of others. Or… if your rhythm is changed by others or by circumstances do you struggle to regain the original or do you establish a new one, with a minimum of struggle?

Your basic philosophical rhythm now is that the body heals itself. I have encouraged this view of life, and it is working rather well for you. But what if you suffered a true “breakdown,” such as a heart attack? Should you maintain your present rhythm and trust that your body, with the help of spirit, can bring itself back to normal… or that this may be the time for your natural death? Or should you change radically and become a patient, establishing this as a new rhythm… one who takes multiple medications, has frequent checkups, and follows medical regiments? Ah, you see that it is difficult to determine what is most good.

SAT., MAR. 21, 1992, 6:40 AM

The Letter has been completed, and you are back for a Teaching that, potentially, could be part of a later Ruminations. You are not as pleased with this one as your have been with others. However let’s see if there are reactions from readers. You did a more thorough research job than you do on most of them, and you had more of Me than is usual. In one sense that is good. I want you to let your readers know what I share with you. On the other hand . . .

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