Be Aware Of Life

WED., OCT. 2, 1991, 6:18 AM

Yes, o son be more aware of life and spirit as it is manifested in life events. Each day there are many events and happenings that you can more fully appreciate. One reason that I come to you in this tangible way is so that you will be more aware and more appreciative of the life it is your privilege to lead. It is not hyper-exciting, but it is more so than most, and it is chock full of spirit… and you still don’t recognize all that you should.

Right now, as this new day begins, you are having a dual experience. You are hearing Me and writing what you hear (with numerous mental distractions), and you are observing the varied colors of the pre-dawn sky. The colors are now less intense as the sun comes closer to appearing. When it does “rise” all the color will be gone and there will be only the brilliance of the sun. You will not see that on this morning, for the leaves are still on the trees in thick array. In another month, though you will miss the leaves, you can see the “rising” sun more clearly. There is spiritual advantage in having a study from which you can see a sunrise. Appreciate this more fully.

The sun is vital to your earth life. The Son is vital to your spiritual life. Be aware of the symbols that I offer to you. In the fullness of spiritual life there is much appreciation of symbols. Things are as they appear to be, and yet they can be much more. Life has many “layers”. Don’t be satisfied with just the obvious top layer.

You missed a chance in your class last evening to make a comment about your gimpy leg. The appropriate comment of awareness would have been that while your total health is diminished by this minor disability, it has brought more appreciation of the disabilities others have and has motived you to be more cheerful and more friendly to people that you pass in your daily movings. Focus more on what you have gained, and the actual loss will become less.

Brigette is distraught that she can’t find a group that appreciates her fundamental beliefs and perceptions about Me, your Triune God. She feels rejected, and you can’t really help her as she would most like, but she did come to you. And that should be appreciated more fully. In the past you have had Terri and Laurette as special students, and they were “fallen away” Christians, seeking spiritual understandings without getting to close to Me. Now Brigette is a challenge in another direction… a fundamental, charismatic Christian who must see you as one too liberal. Your challenge is to be aware of how you can be helpful to her. The Teaching you have in mind may help… or just the act of offering it may be even better.

To fulfill a commitment you must read a book about death as you go to and come from this life enhancing weekend ahead. It is a professional commitment, but also be aware of what it is saying about life and its spiritual nature. It, the book, may be saying nothing, but you should recognize that such an omission is quite a statement.

Be aware of the opportunities for spiritually-oriented conversations as this weekend progresses. You have a special relationship with Larry, and he needs this to be reaffirmed. You shall have opportunities to talk with your sister, and these can have a spiritual orientation. Wilbur is eager to see and talk with you… and there shall be others. Don’t go forth with some set plan for having only spiritual conversations, but just be aware of opportunities and seize them… at least a few.

WED., OCT. 2, 1991, 6:18 AM

Yes, o son be more aware of life and spirit as it is manifested in life events. Each day there are many events and happenings that you can more fully appreciate. One reason that I come to you in this tangible way is so that you will be more aware and more appreciative of the life it is your privilege to lead. It is not hyper-exciting, but it is more so than most, and it is chock full of spirit… and you still don’t recognize all that you should . . .

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