Be Fruitful…

FRI., NOV. 20, 1987, 6:39 AM

“Be fruitful… but hold the multiplication.” This is My charge to humanity in this age. There was a time when “and multiply” was an appropriate physical and spiritual charge to the few human inhabitants of this earth. Now I give you a modified message… though it is not one heard universally by all Christians.

Note the positive title. I call on you still to be fruitful. There is much each of you can do to make the earth a more garden-like home. There are many actions to take than can maintain or restore balances that shall sustain the whole web of life that I have created. There are other actions from which you should desist or which must be curtailed, and this, also, is part of being fruitful. I do want you to be fruitful in relation to keeping the environment healthy.

I want you to be fruitful in social relationships. I realize your personal limits when it comes to interactions with people, but I still see this as an important facet of being fruitful. Particularly when this ties in with the spiritual, as in the communications that you still must send, for which people are waiting. Yes, there are early mornings when I can accept your time given to letters rather than to Me. For you, this is a vital facet of being fruitful, and I shall not let you let these opportunities slide. Face-to-face interactions are also important. You needn’t seek ever more but you must maintain ones you have regularly and be willing to initiate. And certainly respond regularly and be willing to initiate. And certainly respond to the initiations of others (some of whom I am sending… and which?).

Be fruitful in reviewing these Teachings, keeping them in some usable order, and in applying the insights I offer you to your daily life and in your Teaching. Be fruitful in sharing both the truths and the actual Teachings with those who have an interest. This that We do is a minor revelation, but most of what I do in the earth is of this nature. I am as interested in those who become more spiritually active from these Teachings as in those in larger numbers who respond to the altar call in Billy Graham Crusades.

In general, My call to be fruitful is to walk more gently on the earth, preserve and maintain the balance of all created life, and be loving, cooperative, and helpful in relations with people, all of whom are on spiritual paths.

“… but hold the multiplication.” Obviously you cannot do what I just recommended as being fruitful if the human population multiplies as it is now. I can consider each individual baby conceived and then born, and, in this restricted view, each is precious and should be sustained. Yet I also have a macro view, and in this I see these precious individuals becoming an unsustainable mass… or growing up to use resources in ways harmful to the whole.

The Bible story implies that I had no feeling for the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Jehusites, and others that inhabited “the promised land.” Individually I loved each of these persons and each baby conceived in these nations. But in My whole plan My chosen people were to occupy that land, and the others had to be removed. It was painful but necessary. (And it was just a matter of leaving earth bodies somewhat prematurely.)

As I have told you before, in the future there will be fewer humans in the earth than there are now. Gross multiplication will cease. The forces that shall bring this about are already working. I shall continue to prevent nuclear war as the too-drastic method of bringing about a better balance. You needn’t trumpet this message, but share it where it seems appropriate. And be aware as the forces operate.

FRI., NOV. 20, 1987, 6:39 AM

“Be fruitful… but hold the multiplication.” This is My charge to humanity in this age. There was a time when “and multiply” was an appropriate physical and spiritual charge to the few human inhabitants of this earth. Now I give you a modified message… though it is not one heard universally by all Christians.

Note the positive title. I call on you still to be fruitful. There is much each of you can do to make the earth a more garden-like home. There are many actions to take than can . . .

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