Be Still And Know…

SUN., JUNE 17, 1990, 5:35 AM

Yes, o son, this is the Scriptural theme for Synod School this summer, and you may get to have some of these Teachings as a part of that program. I realize the task has been a tough one, but complete it this week and see what happens. I could exert My influence, but I probably won’t. It will be a good experience for you, whether or not your idea is selected.

Be still and know… is a fine Biblical theme for this unusual week. It expresses a fundamental premise of earth life: if you quiet the chatter of your mind, precious gift though it is, you can know My will, for humankind and or yourself. Being still obviously means not talking or making other noise, but, most importantly, it means reducing the action of your mind so that you can hear Me and thus can know.

Let’s take it word for word. “Be” is the first word. It is small but significant. It asks for the fundamental response to creation, which is just being. Put aside trying, conforming, acting, appearing… and just be. Many persons are not truly sure who they are, even by your age, and surely not in younger years. It often is difficult to just be… a child of Mine with a spirit naturally attuned to Me, the Holy Spirit. Being is your basic activity, but often it is not easy.

“Still” comes next. You have a hard time being still, physically and mentally. It is a challenge for you, and for Me, to achieve this state of receptivity. Stillness is the quieting of all that interferes with full communion. This mind that truly is a marvelous development in humanness, tends to counter spirit, particularly in your culture. When the mind is active, stillness is far away. I come to you in a more obvious way than to most Christians, but I am available to all. But being still is a requisite state of being.

Even Scripture reading and prayer can work against stillness. Scripture passages encourage thought, judgment, and possible action. Yet they are most helpful when you read them with stillness, seeking My interpretation rather than your own. Scripture is sufficient for a good life… and yet it isn’t. There are many aspects of modern life that are not addressed directly in Scripture. Stillness allows you to hear Me interpret… or even offer advice that is “contemporary Scripture,” if I offer it.

“And” is the conjunction that indicates there is more. Being still is laudable, but not sufficient. Even as you discern My will and ways this is not sufficient. There is more to this desired relationship than just being still. “And” signifies this. There is more.

“Know”. This is the “more” that is essential. It is more than speculation… or judgment… or belief. The knowing I want you to experience is not merely an overcoming of the mind, but a joyous union of mind and spirit. I want you to know that I am God, the Creator and Sustainer, He who gives both justice and mercy. I want you to know that I am Jesus, the Christ, God in human form, the model for earth life and the means to forgiveness, grace, and eternal salvation. I want you to know that I am the Holy Spirit, who counsels, teaches, and interprets and is a constant companion.

If and when you know this then all other knowledge is of more value and more use. Belief doesn’t quite do it. You have to know. Each of you is on a spiritual journey on a particular spiritual path. Those on similar paths join together, in spiritual fellowship… that may even be organized into a church form. The Church helps you know. Yet you can know more than the Church teaches.

SUN., JUNE 17, 1990, 5:35 AM

Yes, o son, this is the Scriptural theme for Synod School this summer, and you may get to have some of these Teachings as a part of that program. I realize the task has been a tough one, but complete it this week and see what happens. I could exert My influence, but I probably won’t. It will be a good experience for you, whether or not your idea is selected.

Be still and know… is a fine Biblical theme for this unusual week. It expresses a fundamental premise of . . .

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