Be Yourself

SAT., FEB. 29, 1992, 6:34 AM

Yes, o son, this is the right title, and your question is a legitimate one – how can you be other than yourself? By this time in your life you should have a pretty good idea of who you are, and, obviously, you can only be true to your best vision of yourself. Also, it still is worthy to make efforts to be better than you would be without positive efforts. So, is it the real you who is trying to be someone different, that “different” being seen as “better”? Now that you’ve posed these questions, relax and hear what I, your friendly Holy Spirit, have to say about being yourself.

First, consider that you are among the young-old. At 65 you are at an age when most people in your culture retire… or certainly are planning for such a change. You, at 65, have no such thoughts, for your work still is satisfying and challenging, and you still have the energy for full-time teaching. This makes you both special and odd. On the one hand it is good that you still want to continue in your working life, but it is strange that you don’t want to rest or “do something else,” as is more normative. I call you to see this as an aspect of your mission in life. That mission it to be a teacher, and you now have a chance to give that mission rather full attention. Savor these final years. I’ll tell you that it will be clear when it is time to retire.

You are a person with some disabilities, but, mainly, minor ones. That is, your mind is still relatively clear, and your body generally works well. You still can’t run as you once did, but continue to assume that time will restore than function… even if that isn’t so. You still have capacities to work this Farm in a minimal way, and that is part of who you are. Be happy with what you can do, and yet still aspire to do just a bit more. Know that being yourself is both being pleased with what you can do and then going for more, even a bit more.

You are a husband to a wife that, rightly, you sought… and yet was destined to be yours. This is not a hard role, for you are basically good friends, even as some of your interests and inclinations are different. You shall celebrate this relationship in a special way this Spring, and I do want you to cherish this and see it as a very important part of who you are. As in some of these other aspects of yourself, feel satisfaction in how you are Lenore’s husband and yet be ready to “do it even better.”

As a Presbyterian churchman you are comfortably active. The church with its opportunities, responsibilities, and fellowship is a good part of your life, and it should continue to be. You are allowed, even expected, to do certain things others don’t do. You add a spice to your church’s life, and I do want you to continue thus. When new opportunities arise, count on Me to advise you about accepting. Much of the good that you do shall not be official and elected. Who you are is an important part of your congregation’s life.

A special servant of Mine… that’s quite an important aspect of who you are and who you should continue to be. You heed My calls, and we come together in this ritualized way, and you are left with tangible reminders of what I want for you… and what I want you to see about Me and My earth. Be reminded, still again, that our Ruminations is your most important publication and that there are still others who shall profit from this joint effort. As you see, the readers shall not increase in numbers greatly. Some will be added. Others will fall away… just as it is with Me.

SAT., FEB. 29, 1992, 6:34 AM

Yes, o son, this is the right title, and your question is a legitimate one – how can you be other than yourself? By this time in your life you should have a pretty good idea of who you are, and, obviously, you can only be true to your best vision of yourself. Also, it still is worthy to make efforts to be better than you would be without positive efforts. So, is it the real you who is trying to be someone different, that “different” being seen as “better”? Now that . . .

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