Beginning A Project

JULY 28, 1980, 5:48 AM

You are approaching, o son, the beginning of your project… Our project… and thus I have some words of advice and warning about this important time in your life. The major understanding is that this shall be the focus of your personal and professional life for the next six months, so other considerations will have to be put aside. They may be important but they still will have to be put on a side track. This will be difficult, but know that it is important.

This means that in the next few weeks you shall have to finish any work having to do with the textbooks, philosophy, and other potential papers. In regard to each item on your “list”, then, you must decide and act to “do it now”, or not until after January. This is the way it must be.

You have plans to organize the one class you shall teach. Do that quickly, efficiently, and like unto the way Elaine does it. Conduct the class competently, but then look for ways in which the experience with the students can contribute to your major goal. Make the evaluations minimal. Just know what your priorities are, but also see this as a powerful means to some future desirable ends. From your perspective the course should be done well because it is a magnificent means… provided by Me, ultimately.

Organize your courses for Spring before you begin the project. Order films, contact speakers, and have the basic frameworks established before you change focus. This is crucial to the project and to the success of these important classes, also.

Begin to organize this in your mind and then on paper… and then set a date for a commencement (Isn’t it interesting that I can be so apparently time conscious. For you, at this juncture, time is a means to a good end and must be used wisely and purposefully.) The date should be somewhere around the beginning of September. At that time you must shift your holistic focus, that of your whole, holy self, to this project. Things not done by then must be postponed even further. Know this now. This upcoming month is a vital one.

JULY 28, 1980, 5:48 AM

You are approaching, o son, the beginning of your project… Our project… and thus I have some words of advice and warning about this important time in your life. The major understanding is that this shall be the focus of your personal and professional life for the next six months, so other considerations will have to be put aside. They may be important but they still will have to be put on a side track. This will be difficult, but know that it is important.

This means that in the next . . .

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