Beginning Life Again

SAT., SEPT. 10, 1994, 7:12 AM

The Rev. Billy, My long-time servant, spoke this week, and you were part of his congregation. His theme was this title, and his approach was the one you expected, knowing his spiritual path. Yet there are two further interpretations of this phrase, and I want you to consider all three this morning, after a restless night.

The approach that was the basis for Billy’s message came out of the woman’s testimony about her life away from Me… drinking excessively, drug taking, sexual misconduct, and no useful connection with Me. Then came her experience of hitting bottom, when she reached for My hand, and it was there. So Billy’s message was that, whatever your sin and degradation, when you come to Me, truly, you have a new beginning to your life.

Basically, when you turn to Me you turn away from yourself and excessive concerns for self. You still have times when concerns for your needs and wants overcome your more normal feelings for service to others. I let you go on into such a state for a time, so that you can get your “new life” back in perspective. Remember that Billy testified, perhaps a bit too strongly, that he was a sinner, undeserving of My redemption and care. The new beginning is into a life committed to Me, to service to others, and away from a dominating concern for self. In your culture it is difficult to keep this resolve all the time.

Just as you can be (and were) reborn within your earth life as Bob Russell, so, in a somewhat similar way, you can be (and are) reborn into a spirit body when this physical body dies. This death can come slowly and be experienced both as dying… leaving this physical life that seems so real… and as being born… into what will be oh so familiar when you are across. It is a new beginning, into a spirit life that shall be both new and familiar.

Most of the experiences that humans have had that are called NDE’s are genuine. The coming across is mostly a beautiful, positive experience. But just as some resist the born again experience that Billy emphasized because they will miss aspects of their previous decadent life, so some resist physical dying because they will miss people and circumstances from their earth life. In both new beginnings it is important to look ahead, not back. You can learn from the events and conditions of your old life, but only as a perspective on the new, which should be better.

The third interpretation of this title and the concept underlying it is the one I have led you to understand, but not so for most American Christians. Some souls, for their best development, do return to the earth and “inhabit” new bodies, in a natural, biological way. This is one of the options for everlasting, eternal life. When you have accepted Me, as Jesus, and My grace which take away your sin you have no need to return to the earth for your own further growth. You have accepted all that is necessary for return to Me.

The reason that you return is service to others that can be accomplished best if you are in bodily form. All souls do not reincarnate, and all humans are not reincarnated souls. The balance is Mine to handle, culture by culture and as time proceeds, here in the earth. Souls that have fully accepted me and yet returned may have some “memories” of lives before, but they still look ahead to what their purpose in this life are.

SAT., SEPT. 10, 1994, 7:12 AM

The Rev. Billy, My long-time servant, spoke this week, and you were part of his congregation. His theme was this title, and his approach was the one you expected, knowing his spiritual path. Yet there are two further interpretations of this phrase, and I want you to consider all three this morning, after a restless night.

The approach that was the basis for Billy’s message came out of the woman’s testimony about her life away from Me… drinking excessively, drug taking, sexual misconduct, and no useful connection with . . .

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