Behavior Change

FRI., SEPT. 17, 1982, 6:21 AM

Hear, o son, as I give you some insights on an unexpected theme. This is one of your responsibilities in a few short weeks, and, it being a professional topic, you hadn’t considered seeking My help. Isn’t it fortunate that I am not shy about offering assistance?

Since I, the Holy Spirit, have likened Myself (in previous teachings) to a health educator… because My goals frequently are communication and motivation… I shall speak personally about behavior change, and try to be helpful in the side of the argument you must defend. One truth is that I would rather encourage you in attitudes and behaviors that are pleasing to Me than focus on the ones of which I do not approve. Another truth is that My concern is with your spirit and with helping to bring it to maturity, rather than on behavior, which is, ultimately, a product of spirit.

The first truth is based on the merit of a positive approach. You may ask, legitimately, why I emphasize this with you when the emphasis in the Holy Scriptures seems to be one more of “you’re evil… change your ways”. I will not go into that whole issue today, but will ask you to read some portions with this positive orientation and see what you find. To you, this morning, however, I emphasize My desire to encourage those thoughts and actions that represent spiritual growth and progress. This writing meditation of Ours is a pertinent example.

When We started I sought a commitment of getting up every morning and being with Me, no matter what your other responsibilities required the hour to be. That was desirable behavior from My perspective… a rather small portion of each day given over to instruction and inspiration… about comparable to the time you give to “hearing” the news of the day (in various forms of hearing). But you tired of the daily writing and set a pattern of coming often but not regularly. When you have been away for some time I welcome you back, with no more than a mile admonition, and get on with the teaching. If I tried to cajole you into “perfect behavior”… every day writing… you might well forsake Me altogether. Your spirit is not yet ready for an every day communion, and I might want to change that.

Instead I focus on the less perfect but still positive condition that you do hear My occasional strong call and do come dutifully when I want it AND that you truly want to come and spend this hour on some days. And I approve and commend this desire. Why should I risk driving you away? Rather, I should use the time We are together profitably. For remember that while I am Almighty God I come to you and others as a helpful Servant.

Yes, the other truth is I am more interested in the development of your spirit that I am with your actions. Using the same example, if these teachings are of value in developing the strength and influence of your spirit then you will come more often… the behavior. If behavior stems from spirit it is more apt to be continued and become part of lifestyle.

FRI., SEPT. 17, 1982, 6:21 AM

Hear, o son, as I give you some insights on an unexpected theme. This is one of your responsibilities in a few short weeks, and, it being a professional topic, you hadn’t considered seeking My help. Isn’t it fortunate that I am not shy about offering assistance?

Since I, the Holy Spirit, have likened Myself (in previous teachings) to a health educator… because My goals frequently are communication and motivation… I shall speak personally about behavior change, and try to be helpful in the side of the argument you . . .

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