Being A Woman

SAT., MAY 8, 1993, 7:08 AM

And I created humans, My greatest single creation, and I created them in two sexes, male and female, woman and man. The other side of the story detailed the creation, with man coming from the earth, and woman coming from man. This suggest the circular, rather than the linear, nature of life: you are composed of the same elements that are in the “non-living” world, but you have an immortal soul. The woman comes forth from the man, but henceforth both males and females come forth from woman, and when the immortal soul moves on, the body returns to the earth, so that its elements may be redistributed. (It does take longer with a casket and a vault, but time is of little consequence to Me.)

As God I am pictured and spoken of as a man, even as I cannot be limited to what is not complete. Women are also created in My image, so it must finally be admitted that I, as God, am both sexes… or without sexuality, whichever. As Jesus, coming to earth, I had to be one or the other, male or female. Coming into the culture selected for Me by My Father, to do what I wanted to do, I had to be a male. A young woman was selected to bear Me, in a natural fashion, as the baby Jesus. The Scriptures give Me, the Holy Spirit, the credit for being the father, so that I as conceived, born, and lived, as fully God and fully man… which also means fully female as well as fully male. As Holy Spirit I am usually referred to as He, but since I have not been pictured as having a body, it is easier for you Christians to regard Me as female and male, if you truly regard Me that closely.

Female bodies are both like and unlike those of males. They tend not to be as muscularly strong, but they certainly can be as agile. Women tend to be smaller, so in cultures past when size and strength were important for survival men were more naturally dominant. As Jesus I had a hard time with this cultural distinction. As I have told you before I would have preferred to have had several women as disciples, for there were some in My larger company who could have understood My Mission better than some who were “official”. I, as Holy Spirit, had to advise against such a departure from the cultural imperatives.

Yours is a culture trying, with some resolve, to have women and men as equals. Of this I approve, and yet I also love and admire the women in less equal cultures who work hard and sacrifice for men and children, being closer to Me in their actions and their motives than the males whom they serve and who dominate them. They, these women, are closer to Me, in spirit, and usually achieve more spiritual growth from earth life than men or than women who are more equal.

SAT., MAY 8, 1993, 7:08 AM

And I created humans, My greatest single creation, and I created them in two sexes, male and female, woman and man. The other side of the story detailed the creation, with man coming from the earth, and woman coming from man. This suggest the circular, rather than the linear, nature of life: you are composed of the same elements that are in the “non-living” world, but you have an immortal soul. The woman comes forth from the man, but henceforth both males and females come forth from woman, and when . . .

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