Being American: A Spiritual Challenge

FRI., MAR. 10, 1995, 7:54 PM

Can you hear Me as the engines roar and conversations are heard (and your loss of hearing is now a blessing!)? This scene is now not often, as it was in Our early years of relationship. Those were times when you traveled often, and Teachings seemed to come just as easily on planes and in airports as in your familiar study. But now you are satisfied to be at home most of the time, with your office now a good place for “instruction.”

Yes, I did lead you back to a rereading of Beyond Theology. It seemed time for a journey into the thoughts of one able to think much more deeply and fully than you can… or ever could. You like his use of words and images, and you relate to some of his critiques of orthodox Christianity. But a lot of it just passes on over, as you remember calculus “doing.” Don’t fret. You won’t be tested on the content.

I, the Holy Spirit, am here as your Teacher. You shall understand Me, for I and you are One during these experiences. This means that I can lead you to truly comprehend beyond your own capacities, AND that I teach to your abilities… only occasionally beyond them. Why is it difficult to really understand Christian theology? I’ll translate one of Watts’ points as “because you’re an American.” You grew up as an American boy in the Methodist tradition, which is not very mystical. You accepted the success ethic without much fuss and objection… and you had enough successes to help you in this “camp.” Your father was concerned about the mechanics of the Sunday School… and, later, with its finances. You heard more about these fiscal and managerial aspects of the church than about mystery and how you and I are related. You would affirm that I was a part of this Christian God, but you had little sense of what this meant.

In young adulthood you continued to be a faithful church member, while earning a doctorate and beginning an academic career. With a family of above average size you balanced finances and accepted the reality of “things.” You competed, and you had more than your share of success… and you generally gave yourself credit for what you accomplished. Life was serious. I was a serious God (though you never were greatly worried about Ssatan [woops], sin, and hell fires), and the Holy Scriptures, church doctrines, and sermons all were serious.

But you know now (because I have told you) that I was working with you even then, and leading you to read this book, nearly 30 years ago, was part of My challenge to “transform” you into a low-level mystic without “messing you up.” You were in a field in which you could succeed, moderately… be above average, at least. It also is a field that was about to lend itself to some more ( 8:38 / 8:40 ) holistic interpretation, which could include the mystical. And then I decided to give you a real challenge. I would come to you directly and “take over” your pen (even this one), having you write what you are “hearing,” in quite a non-auditory way. I wanted you to do this, so I just “overcame” any resistance you had.

I “timed” this so that you were a valued tenured professor, with your “child-rearing” responsibilities almost over. You still worry some about your family finances, even as I assure you that you shall have what you need. You still think about succeeding, in the American university tradition, even as you know what success I want from you. You accept and know that I am not completely serious… that I genuinely have fun being Holy Spirit, Jesus, and God, separately and “all at Once.”

FRI., MAR. 10, 1995, 7:54 PM

Can you hear Me as the engines roar and conversations are heard (and your loss of hearing is now a blessing!)? This scene is now not often, as it was in Our early years of relationship. Those were times when you traveled often, and Teachings seemed to come just as easily on planes and in airports as in your familiar study. But now you are satisfied to be at home most of the time, with your office now a good place for “instruction.”

Yes, I did lead you back . . .

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