Being And Praying

March 17, 1980, 11:03 AM

Welcome, o son, in this different place at this different time, with this unique and varied introduction to Our time together.  You ate, you traveled, you thought mundane and erotic thoughts, you prayed, you exercised, you drank, and you read some of the thoughts of My servant Ken.  Then you come to seek from the Fount of endless learning.  A fascinating brief collage of your being expressed in preface to Me.  Normally I desire that you come early and undisturbed.  This was a unique variation.  I welcomed it.

Let Me reaffirm words that you just have read.  Praying is an integral part of being.  For you, to be is to pray.  But to be aware, to appreciate, to add conscious intent to the underlying prayer of your consecrated being… that is toward the fullness of enlightenment.  Yes, you are right.  Ken’s life was a loud and persistent prayer.  It radiated relationship with Me and love for others.  He was far beyond the ordinary… even the good.  Strive not to be as he was.  Yet, his model can be helpful, and your life can be more as his was.  You have some ideas at the close of this military class.  Write them down today.  Consider them later.  Try some out.  See if the results seem as you wish.

Prayer is relationship with Me.  I respond to prayer, certainly but of course My purposes greatly overarch yours.  Just know that every prayer is an expression of your being and, at the same time, an addition to your being.  You pray because you are, and you are, more fully, because you pray.

You explore and are interested in health.  That is your given task in this life… your calling.  So know this:  the infusion of My Spirit is the greatest restorer of health… AND the greatest retainer and promotor of health.  Though those with My Spirit may be sick, even unto death, or injured, or infirm… and therefore their health may be surpassed by those who do not avail themselves of Me… those who drink of My Everlasting Water shall ultimately be healthier than the rest, other conditions being somewhat equal.

Praying and meditating, and listening to Me are both preventive, promotive, and curative practices.  As your being is involved with Me it achieves more health… greater capacity to function and to adapt to new and unique situations.  Still the relating must be genuine, just as food, and exercise, and medicine must be genuine, relatively unadulterated, not “fake”.  That is the fundamental truth and challenge.

Now combine that with what you already know about Me and individual persons.  Some are elected by Me and brought to prayer, to meditation, and to health because My Will prevails.  Oh, as you certainly know, their wills come to see the value of this relationship and they become committed Servants without initial intent of their own.  (True, I may be the originator of behavior mod!)  Other persons seek Me without the strong personal call from Me.  All souls seek Me, but there are many competitors in this world I have created.  (And it is, still, all Mine.)  But some seek fervently, usually because of the influence of My called ones.  You can see that this leaves the world as a great admixture of souls, seeking and not seeking, but for many reasons I am satisfied with this.

Become more aware of your being as praying.  Appreciate more the opportunities for expression of your being in prayer.  Your life has been good and fulfilling to date.  It shall become more so as the next years unfold.  You have inklings of this now.  You become overwhelmed with the opportunities.  There must be selection.  Certain priorities must be set.  Let prayer and this meditation guide you.  For, naturally, I, the Spirit, the Lord, am the Force that shall create and shall mold the opportunities and shall guide you in the attainment.  The major way in which you can displease Me is to be more attentive to other forces than to Me.  Fret not about individual acts.  Just follow My way and serve Me.

I’ll put it simply at the end:  you’ll be better if you pray more.  A good commencement to a day.


11:57 AM