Being Called

TUES., JAN. 8, 1985, 10:09 AM

…is a definite state of being, o son. You can be called to do something that you wanted to do anyway, in which case the call and your will are in general concert. Or you can be called to something unexpected, something new, something even threatening. You hadn’t thought of doing such, but you aren’t initially opposed to it, either. And the third general category of a call is to a task for which you do not seem suited or that you just do not want to tackle, for any number of reasons.

As in most important matters a call is not a simple phenomenon, so it may have combinations of these basic categories. So one cruciality is… what are you called to do? The other is… who is doing the calling? Some calls can be quite secular. Conversely, other calls can be quite sacred. Some can be short term, and others for a much longer time. You are in an interesting combination now: you have a long term call to come to Me for about an hour of a writing meditation as often as possible. You respond to this call about three times a week, and that is generally satisfactory. But a week ago you made a commitment to have a Teaching each day for a week. (You wanted a safe trip home, and you got that, which is incidental to the commitment.)

So you have a call from your conscience and your spirit, combined with a call from Me to complete this as pledged. It has not been convenient, but this shall complete the short term call, and you can then revert to the long term, life-time call.

The essence of being called, of course, is being called by Me, whether I come as the Holy Spirit, as Jesus the Christ, or as Almighty God, to a life of service to Me. Some hear this early in life… your son Michael and your nephew Mark being two close examples. Yet neither call has led to a direct, “orthodox” (I have to be careful how I use that term) pastoral ministry… where some calls of the sort they’ve experienced do.

You became aware that I do, in fact, call and that you, in fact, were called long before there was an actual, definite call. Twenty years ago at about this time you were struggling with the question as to whether you were to stay in university teaching and service or to move to some work more obviously related to My will and Presence in the earth. You received no vocational call to the latter, so you assumed I was calling you to remain in the former. Years later I told you, after I made the definite call to you, that you needed “seasoning” and to improve skills I now can use… and to achieve a position that I also can use. And so here you are, writing the words you hear from Me about being called.

Being called is complementary to that which is called personal, free will. Each has merit and a place in the order of the created earth, and I am responsible for each, generally, and, sometimes, specifically. Oh, occasionally there is blatant competition, when My call must overcome a strong will that is against Mine. But usually I don’t call until the individual is ready to respond (whether or not she is aware of this).

TUES., JAN. 8, 1985, 10:09 AM

…is a definite state of being, o son. You can be called to do something that you wanted to do anyway, in which case the call and your will are in general concert. Or you can be called to something unexpected, something new, something even threatening. You hadn’t thought of doing such, but you aren’t initially opposed to it, either. And the third general category of a call is to a task for which you do not seem suited or that you just do not want to tackle, for . . .

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