Being Choosed

SAT., MAR. 6, 1999, 3:25 PM

Yes, o son, like unto the testimony of another Bob (Benson, that is) I, Holy Spirit… and Triune God… do choose some of you for… a wide variety of reasons… and some of the reasons are quite mixed. This, of course, doesn’t mean that some humans who are not chosen cannot elect to come to Me and, often, have as close a relationship as those chosen by Me.

There is something like a “pattern,” but I am never limited by it. I can act when, where, how, and, in this context, with whom I choose. While the concept of equality has some merit, it is quite difficult to apply in actual life. You are quite aware of this, and you remember some of the struggles in trying to treat each of your sons equally… having no favorites (at least obviously). Sometimes when you couldn’t give to all of them equally you gave nothing… or the little that could be seen as “equal”.

Your Christian Scriptures indicate quite vividly that I never thought much of the concept of complete equality. That might have been more relevant if I had decided to make you… or cause you to be… all completely alike. I considered that, but easily decided against it. The first such incident is quite early, when there were, presumably… according to this story, at least… only 4 people on earth, Eve, Adam, and two sons, Abel and Cain. Each of these sons presented their gifts to Me, and quite diverse they were, and I accepted those from Abel, but not from Cain. I chose. And you can’t see why the meat offerings were better than the cereal ones. Cain didn’t like to be “unchosed,” so he killed his chosen brotha. There’s no big message from this, but it does seem to say that there can be unfortunate results from being chosen.

But you know the “story,” though not as well as you should; at this point in your life. As God, I continued to choose, including a “special people” (who don’t seem particularly “worthy,” to you) and their leaders. Then, as Jesus, I chose disciples, including one destined to betray and identify Me at just the “right time”. All through the ages I have chosen men, women, and even children to fulfill tasks and needs… and, sometimes, just for the fun of it… “the hell of it.”

Some of these are chosen for truly important “projects”… important contributions to earth life. But what is important to Me may not be as critical to other humans. A good example of this, one known to you, by reputation, writings, and conferences, was Edgar Cayce. He was a rather simple Christian man, what could be called a fundamentalist. Yet I let him “see” and then know, that this was not his only earth life… and that life really was eternal, as a soul, until the “karmic scorecard” was properly balanced.

I had led you to know of this, too, and it is no more “popular” in your Christian “circle” than it was in his day and time. Did I want everyone to know and accept this truth about life? Obviously not, if I am, in fact, a competent Creator! I chose you to accept this… because you have had some number of earth lives and are a “relatively” old soul.

But it is quite evident to you that I did choose you for this continuing opportunity to hear Me and write the Teachings I provide. You were sufficiently mature, spiritually, from your “total” life experience to accept this “being chosed” for this “Honor”… for, of course, it is. Still, it is not readily accepted by your culture, and you’re quite thankful that I don’t push you to try to convince others that you truly are hearing regularly from Me, Holy Spirit.

I tell you… and you know… that most of the important events and decision of your life were predestined, and you were mature enough, even “sub-consciously”, to make personal, semi-free decisions that fit in with what I wanted for and from you. You even thought yesterday, as this injury seemed possibly serious, about how you could write these Teachings if your right hand wouldn’t function properly. (Why was it your left hand that is now partially muumuu? Ever think of that?)

SAT., MAR. 6, 1999, 3:25 PM

Yes, o son, like unto the testimony of another Bob (Benson, that is) I, Holy Spirit… and Triune God… do choose some of you for… a wide variety of reasons… and some of the reasons are quite mixed. This, of course, doesn’t mean that some humans who are not chosen cannot elect to come to Me and, often, have as close a relationship as those chosen by Me.

There is something like a “pattern,” but I am never limited by it. I can act when, where, how, and, in this . . .

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