Being Faithful

THURS., JULY 9, 1987, 5:56 AM

When you have faith in some one or some thing you evidence that faith by being faithful. This sounds right as I offer it in words, and yet the words do not represent a clear reality. Faith is both ultimate and situational, and so it follows that being faithful also has different contexts in which to be judged. How would you judge your being faithful, o son?

I accept that you have ultimate faith in Me that is rather full and complete. You are not absolutely faithful; you are not mature enough spiritually to have this absolute basis. You would like to be such, but you’re just “not there” yet. For example, I have told you that you need not worry about your financial condition, for I will ultimately provide for your needs. You believe this, but then you spend inappropriate amounts of earth time (which is valuable) thinking about what you must do in a financial crunch. With ultimate faith of the absolute sort you would spend no time on such muses, but would just know that I will provide, much better than that from any of your efforts.

In situations you can show full faith or almost none. Does My power and influence reach to each monetary situation? Do I watch over each moment of your life, or do I expect some self reliance from you? Both your culture and your particular upbringing have encouraged this feeling of self-reliance, and it is a solid part of your personality. Therefore faith in Me to provide must override this, and it is a constant struggle. Even when you don’t try the competition continues.

This sounds rather negative. The positive is that you do have an ultimate faith in Me, and you do feel, deep down, that whatever happens to you is My will… that I am responsible and will provide. This is faith, for there is much around you that cries out that I don’t do this consistently. Does My faithfulness to you depend on your faithfulness to Me? You see that this could become a downward spiral very easily.

Another interesting question, not easily answered in your ambivalent culture, is “If I, as Holy Spirit, have you in the hollow of My hand and am using you for some purposes of Mine, need you do anything to sustain your health and prolong your life?” If you had ultimate and absolute faith you would clearly answer No. Yet don’t I expect that you will utilize your own knowledge and that of your advanced medical system to take certain actions and make certain changes that will be beneficial? At this point, the evidence is not at all clear to what extent this is My way.(?)

You have been faithful to your vow to eliminate alcohol from your being for a week, as a penance and as a part of weight reduction. You have done this, but your weight loss has not been dramatic. How faithful will you be to this as a continued regimen… or will you revert to letting Me be responsible? Which do I want, really? With more spiritual growth you shall know.

You also have been faithful to your commitment of a Teaching each and every morning of this week since the party. You know that I always provide a theme and its development, and that the time is more well spent than just being in bed. Yet you shall not continue with this everyday faithfulness, even as you come rather often. You have ultimate faith that I am the fount of learning to which you should continuously turn. You need not seek other paths or other spiritual materials for enlightenment. I have given you a way. Be faithful in it. How faithful can you be?

THURS., JULY 9, 1987, 5:56 AM

When you have faith in some one or some thing you evidence that faith by being faithful. This sounds right as I offer it in words, and yet the words do not represent a clear reality. Faith is both ultimate and situational, and so it follows that being faithful also has different contexts in which to be judged. How would you judge your being faithful, o son?

I accept that you have ultimate faith in Me that is rather full and complete. You are not absolutely faithful; you are not mature . . .

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