Being Led

SAT., MAR. 14, 1987, 6:49 AM

The culture of which you are a part is big on independence. The ideal person is the one who thinks for herself and acts according to his own decisions. Being led would be seen as a weakness. But of course I tell you that being led by Me is a source of much strength. Even in your reluctance this morning you are being led, o son.

In certain circumstances you are quite willing to admit… even proclaim… that you are being led by the Holy Spirit. I have a general plan for your life, and I am willing to lead you in this plan. You can make decisions and act independently of Me to an extent. But at a certain point My Will comes into play, and you are led back toward the path on which you should be.

I work differently in different lives. In some I come as an “outside Force” which is quite contrary to their own nature. They see their own nature as sinful and weak, whereas I lead them into green, serene pastures. Life, then, is a struggle between good and evil, and as long as I am personified as the Spirit or the Christ, it is logical to personify the other force as Satan or the devil, with self usually tending toward this force, and away from Me.

In this relationship I come in to battle this “occupant” of the self. In some lives I “win,” and the person accepts Me as the complete victor and accepts My leadership as the substitute for the evil one. Many, however, acknowledge My presence, but feel that the evil one never gives up, and hence the struggle is still on, despite My presence and My influence. My leadership is always being sabotaged by the force of evil, and therefore I am never fully effective. Some of these wish I were, but generally feel My power is not sufficient to be the only leader.

In some lives, particularly in your culture, I am not welcome. Such a person is not very far along a spiritual path. There are a number of reasons for this, one of which is just being a new, young spirit, overimpressed with the wonder of independence. Such a person denies Me and acts according to her own will… and I allow this, for the consequences often lead back to Me. (Remember always that I have ultimate experience in this realm of spirit!)

Now a variation of this is the person who does not acknowledge Me and who talks independence, but in whom I have a quiet but definite influence. Thus I do lead some people against this “apparent will.” For their spirit responds to Me, but their rational mind denies this response. There is a “struggle” going on, but the person is not aware of this. They do My will, even as they feel they are quite independent.

SAT., MAR. 14, 1987, 6:49 AM

The culture of which you are a part is big on independence. The ideal person is the one who thinks for herself and acts according to his own decisions. Being led would be seen as a weakness. But of course I tell you that being led by Me is a source of much strength. Even in your reluctance this morning you are being led, o son.

In certain circumstances you are quite willing to admit… even proclaim… that you are being led by the Holy Spirit. I have a general plan . . .

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