Being My Servant

SUN., SEPT. 20, 1998, 6:02 AM

Yes, o son, I have called you to be both a servant and a son. You have no objection to the designation “servant”, for mostly you find it enjoyable to serve others in ways that you can. You serve Me by hearing Me and writing what you hear Me “say”, a record of this friendship that is quite unique here on the earth. I know that sometimes it is difficult to see this satisfying “task” as service, but I say to you that as you come, faithfully and in faith you are a special servant AND also one I can easily call “son”.

Of course, I have many “sons and daughters”, those who come closer to Me than most do… because I have called AND because of will that cries to Me – “take me, too”. As God Almighty I called several, quite specifically for My purposes, so the Scriptures tell. As Jesus I called disciples, to share more intimately this brief earth life that I lived and enjoyed. I called Saul, quite dramatically, to be the Paul who, with zeal, established and nurtured early churches, the seed bed for My Body, the Church today.

You remember the story of John Mark, the young servant who “messed up” on a missionary journey with Paul. He came back and asked for another chance. Paul said No, but Barnabas said Yes. Mark got his chance, was appreciated by Paul, and finally wrote one of the official Gospels for what became the New Testament. You “mess up” at times, but as long as you are a faithful son I shall be here for you.

This morning you shall reveal yourself as one chosen by Me, Holy Spirit, to be tested, in spirit. As I’ve told you I let you develop discipline and skills in writing… and I waited till you were an established tenured professor and till many of your responsibilities as a father were over. I wanted you to be part of a movement, with many facets, to again see the spiritual as a legitimate dimension of what is called health. With My help you have contributed about as I wished. Our Letter, your Ruminations, on some of My Teachings to you continues to be a worthy contribution.

Yet I also see these Teachings as important beyond any present of future “utility”… as just evidences of a continually growing friendship. I “speak”. You hear, and write. It’s that simple… if something mystical can be called “simple”. For, yes, I have urged you into a realm of the mystical, even as you continue quite a rational earth life. The mystical is My “place”, all of its many “realms”. It is ultimate reality, even as earth life seems to deny this. So, yes, you have taken on the “mantle” of a mystic, while retaining your Christian identity as a Presbyterian. It is a combination true to My wonderful spirit of fun.

( 6:45 AM / 6:37 PM )

The presentation you made this morning to the Methodist class was quite acceptable to Me. Your spirit shown forth, and you communicated your “story” with ease and confidence. And you have four more readers of Our Ruminations. This is another small step toward being identified as a unique servant of Mine, and (6:42 / 6:53) toward being more comfortable with this election.

Surely you noticed, in one of the Teachings you chose to read this morning that I was critical of the condition of this study, and I still am. I realize that the volume of mail you must “process” is troublesome, but I do urge you, yet again, to get this desk top cleaned off, with only truly important folders on the table. I don’t need to tell you how to do this… just that you have to do it… and maintain it without clutter. You should feel that this condition, now, does detract from your being the servant you should be.

SUN., SEPT. 20, 1998, 6:02 AM

Yes, o son, I have called you to be both a servant and a son. You have no objection to the designation “servant”, for mostly you find it enjoyable to serve others in ways that you can. You serve Me by hearing Me and writing what you hear Me “say”, a record of this friendship that is quite unique here on the earth. I know that sometimes it is difficult to see this satisfying “task” as service, but I say to you that as you come, faithfully and in faith you . . .

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