Being The Church

MON., DEC. 5, 1983, 6:11 AM

I have given you Teachings lately on fellowship and on worship, both vital parts of Church life. Yet neither one, nor both together, finally constitute a church. The people who form the congregation must “be” the church. This “being” is My theme this morning, o faithful son.

Being the church requires a unique combination of humility and brashness, of acknowledging that you, and each of your fellow churchfolk, are both sinner and saint, unworthy and yet chosen… a sinning human creature and a child of God. This is another instance where either/or thinking is just not adequate. On the one hand, you are what you are, and no amount of will power, conscience, and commendable behavior can “work” you into sinlessness and keep you there. And it is of no avail to justify yourself as committing mostly sins of thought and intent rather than the more gross ones of lying and stealing.

When you accept My Grace you become, in one of My terminologies, a saint, and the church becomes a body of saints. Most churches and churchfolk feel quite uneasy with this designation, because it implies that you have earned and actually achieved sainthood. I have no objection to the Roman Catholic portion of my Body proclaiming sainthood for some truly unique and highly developed souls, but this does not negate the use of the term “saint” for you… and others that gather as the church.

The church, too, remains a sinful, ineffective organization of people, and objective, “outside” judgments to this effect are usually fairly accurate. Still… as My Scriptures are read and considered, even studied, and when the Word is preached, and when what is done is done in My Name the church is ALSO My Body… a Body of saints.

Consider the concept that you have enunciated in your professional field of the relative focus a health educator puts on reinforcing healthful behavior and giving recognition to what people are doing right vs. focus on changing behavior and emphasizing the most faulty functioning. Your theory is what when the emphasis is on the positive the individual or community feels better about self and is in a better frame of mind in which to function well.

There is a nice parallel to My thinking and My Way. The more attention you give to accepting the sainthood I bestow upon you, the more you will “be” a saint in thought and deed. You wait for a word from Me about your next sabbatical “assignment”, and this shows wisdom on your part. I say you should spend some time among those who do call themselves saints, the Latter Day Saints. You know that the life of their church has much vitality, and I would have you observe this by participating in this, to the extent that they will allow. Go to them with a spirit of sainthood, of interest and of desire to be a part. Observe likenesses to and differences from the experience you are now having. Continue to keep your journal and be faithful in recording while the impressions and remembrances are still warm.

A congregation can only try so hard to become the church that I would have you be. As Jesus I could only try so hard to become the Christ and the Messiah. I just accepted My being the Christ and the Messiah, and lo, I was. When a congregation can just “stop trying” and “be” the church, they “become” and are that to which they aspire. This “being” is what empowers a congregation to give and serve in ways that are noteworthy, even to outside observers.

MON., DEC. 5, 1983, 6:11 AM

I have given you Teachings lately on fellowship and on worship, both vital parts of Church life. Yet neither one, nor both together, finally constitute a church. The people who form the congregation must “be” the church. This “being” is My theme this morning, o faithful son.

Being the church requires a unique combination of humility and brashness, of acknowledging that you, and each of your fellow churchfolk, are both sinner and saint, unworthy and yet chosen… a sinning human creature and a child of God. This is another instance where . . .

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