Being The Servant You Can Be

FRI., NOV. 28, 1986, 6:30 AM

The special day for Thanksgiving went by with a fine gathering of family and a bounteous meal. You commenced the day alone and with exercise, and it became more social as it progressed. You did not particularly express thanks for your life, your health, and your position in life, including your children and your possessions, even as I know you do feel this thanks in your spirit. If you had begun the day with a Teaching your thankful appreciation of the day would have been more overt. With My help, o son, you just can function a lot more positively. And this help is ever available. Taste and see.

As the conversation moved into matters theological you were relatively quiet. You are not ashamed of the guidance you receive from Me, but you do feel your lack of familiarity with the Scriptures… that others know better than you do. I always trust that this will be an impetus to you to increase your familiarity. You are doing well with the two books of Samuel. Finish this lesson today.

You know that My Teachings to you do not fit exactly into the fundamental Christian “mold,” but I tell you that they are fundamentally Christian in a slightly different sense. You expressed your understanding well as you walked in the early morning. It is not an interpretation for all, but it is for some, and one of your servant tasks is to be ready to express this understanding of the earth and the other realms of being, of My desires for all persons (despite the Samuel – Saul – David story which is so exclusive and bloody), and of the opportunities for spiritual growth that each of you has.

All of those who serve Me are not preachers and obvious evangelists. My admonition not to judge is considered seldom by many sincere and narrow Christians. If I wanted everyone to come to Me in the same way I could accomplish this, just as I manipulated battles in the reading you have been doing. Instead I prefer a range of servants and a wide range of service. And one of the prime spiritual tasks of you who are in active relationship with Me is to live in some kind of harmony with servants who are different from you, in outlook and in mission.

7:03 / 7:07

One of the evidences of spiritual maturity is the quiet, comfortable capacity to be the servant you can be. Certainly you can learn from others, and it is important to discern those whom I send to you in order that you might become more than you are. Yet you know, basically, your mission in this latter portion of your life, and I certainly don’t object to your telling sympathetic others of your life tasks, even as you live out these opportunities. You know who and what you can be. You have My permission, o son, to be just that.

Many kinds of learning opportunities… and those for teaching, too… do present themselves, and I urge you to be more attentive and more appreciative… and more faithful to who you should and can be as a responder. Some of these in your family have heavy burdens to bear. In contrast, your life is relatively easy. That ease doth free you to accomplish much. Appreciate burdens vicariously, but be thankful for your freedoms and serve accordingly. You have had burdens, and you may have some again, particularly if you do not use this life of ease productively for Me.

FRI., NOV. 28, 1986, 6:30 AM

The special day for Thanksgiving went by with a fine gathering of family and a bounteous meal. You commenced the day alone and with exercise, and it became more social as it progressed. You did not particularly express thanks for your life, your health, and your position in life, including your children and your possessions, even as I know you do feel this thanks in your spirit. If you had begun the day with a Teaching your thankful appreciation of the day would have been more overt. With My . . .

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