Being Yourself

WED., JAN. 18, 1989, 5:50 AM

With a title like this, a natural question might be… who else could you be? Well, there are lots of pressures to function as someone at least somewhat different than who you know yourself to be. What I offer you this relatively balmy dark morning is not a prophesy, but just a Teaching that applies to you… but could apply to others, as well. Listen and hear, o son.

You functioned yesterday as a teacher in your own class, a return to the profession you love. With the experience, the spiritual maturity, and the tenure that you have you are comfortable being yourself. You are following My advice and being less concerned with subject matter than with the spirit to the class. This class you shall meet twice in each week, offering more of a chance for relationships to build. You know you needn’t rush, but just keep a solid picture of who you are now and how you want this class to develop. It is “raw material” now, and you have the opportunity to craft it as an artist would. Each of these classes is a unique opportunity, and the “yourself” I call on you to be will be somewhat different in each, but with a common core of “yourness.”

You have to be somewhat less affectionate than you are inclined to be with some of the female students that you know rather well. In one sense this is being less than your true self, but in another it is being a teacher who can enjoy the marvelous benefits of this profession without undue criticism for personal behaviors of which some would not approve. You give up something good for something better. Yet you need not give up touching and embracing completely. That would constitute not being yourself. You know the balancing you must practice.

You also functioned last evening as an elder churchman. Here, too, you must be balancing, ever balancing. You have knowledge and experiences with Me that are uncommon among Presbyterians, and still I call you to be active in this church. It is perfectly appropriate for you to dodge chairmanships and other bureaucratic responsibilities in order to act as a worship leader and a communion server from time to time. Look for other opportunities to serve in greeting people and doing other tasks that are appropriate for you. Be pleased with the size of your class, and yet encourage certain other individuals to come and join in. Let Me guide you in facilitating the discussion, encouraging all to join in and share experiences. This is not to be the “supreme class” of the five being offered. Just guide it to be uniquely spiritual… an experience that can truly abet spiritual growth. In this situation you can most truly be yourself.

I must chide you once again about letter-writing. You can communicate well in letters, and there are so many people whose lives on any day would be better because of a note or a letter from you. Let Me urge upon you the vow to send off something to someone each day. In terms of procrastination this will depart from who you are, but it will be exhibiting yet a better self. You can readily see where you can begin, when this writing is over.

I remind you constantly of something you do know about your present earth life. You have your hand in Mine, and therefore all of your life activities are blessed. When you make a mistake and stray from the pious path I do not run away and hide. You need not repeatedly seek Me. I am with you. This is truly being yourself. This means that whatever happens in relation to this Farm is no tragedy… just a change, with opportunities of a different sort. Whatever happens in your Department, in your work setting, though it may not be the continuation of the ideal, you shall still have endless opportunities to be yourself. At this point in your career you needn’t worry about structures and administrative decisions. Just consider a number of alternative ways the future of your working situation could develop, and then see how you, yourself, can be in each.

WED., JAN. 18, 1989, 5:50 AM

With a title like this, a natural question might be… who else could you be? Well, there are lots of pressures to function as someone at least somewhat different than who you know yourself to be. What I offer you this relatively balmy dark morning is not a prophesy, but just a Teaching that applies to you… but could apply to others, as well. Listen and hear, o son.

You functioned yesterday as a teacher in your own class, a return to the profession you love. With the experience, the spiritual . . .

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