Beyond Confusion

TUES., JUNE 14, 1988, 6:35 AM

In the modern world in which you live there is much mental stimulation. Ideas from the past abound, constantly challenged by new or modified ideas. Facts from scientific study and from repeated, verified experience continue to proliferate. Then when you add in insights from mystical sources… the result, at any one time, can certainly be confusion. Hear, o son, for I offer you a way beyond confusion.

What I offer is not a magical resolution of confusion. Rather it is just a way around, over, or under this cacophony of thoughts as to what is and what is important. I have given you over this more than nine year period, many observations on life that could not have been in the Holy Scriptures. Yet as a “practicing” middle class, educated American Christian you must accept what I offer as just another “position,” which must compete with all the others. It is difficult to see a clear light which shines through the many lights, colors, and shadows of your thinking and your perceptions. I cannot make it easier… except to have you KNOW that there is a path through and beyond confusion, and, with your hand in Mine, you are on it.

It is the process rather than the result. The process is listening to the Spirit and knowing that all of what appears to be good and evil, desirable and undesirable, edifying and disgusting… all is a means to spiritual growth. The earth is a realm of apparent life and death, and your culture, despite its Christian heritage, gives way too much attention to this apparent reality. Little Nick dies. Granny Bunche lives on almost beyond her bodily capacities. Each is on a spiritual path, with some time, little to much, in the earth. The reality of Nick’s life is comparable to many who have lived long and lie, this day in nursing homes. Nick’s life and death moved you to action quite beyond any for Muriel.

When you move beyond confusion you gently accept that some life events are more important than others, and you know this more by mystical means than be logical or well-considered ones. You spend precious time reading of events political, economic, and social, most of which are unimportant to your life, now or in the future. I have told you that I shall provide for you, and yet you give undue attention to better ways of providing for the continuation of this “good life.” It is rightfully confusing when you read of changes that are now taking place that shall make life – agriculturally, politically, and economically – take other directions. Balance that with the knowledge, from My oft repetitions, that you are where you should be, doing what you should be doing, under My special care.

Does this mean you shall have no financial problems? No earthquake? No loss of what you consider you have earned? Not at all. There may be major upsets in your life, despite My “protection.” Beyond the confusion of this is the light of opportunities for service, the light of appreciation for the opportunities of the day, the light of joy in knowing that there is no ultimate adversity.

As Jesus I knew there was no ultimate adversity in My earth life. I preached and I told stories. Though the Scriptures do not bear witness to this, I sang, danced, and laughed in appreciation of the life I was living. Some try to make My earth life confusing. It was not. I prayed fervently in Gethsemane, but I also knew that My earth life would soon be over and I would rejoin My Father (from whom I had never been truly separated), with experiences galore to consider. The walk to the hill of crucifixion was difficult, but I knew, at the time, it was a vital part of the whole “journey.”

TUES., JUNE 14, 1988, 6:35 AM

In the modern world in which you live there is much mental stimulation. Ideas from the past abound, constantly challenged by new or modified ideas. Facts from scientific study and from repeated, verified experience continue to proliferate. Then when you add in insights from mystical sources… the result, at any one time, can certainly be confusion. Hear, o son, for I offer you a way beyond confusion.

What I offer is not a magical resolution of confusion. Rather it is just a way around, over, or under this cacophony of thoughts . . .

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