Beyond Theology…

SUN., AUG. 17, 1997, 5:47 AM

It certainly is right that you begin this “re-reading” project, in your retirement years, with Watts’ little book with this title. You read it first more than 30 years ago, and it, along with Forever, were early suggestions, from Me, that life in the earth is not explained completely by orthodox Western Christian theology. Watts’ contribution didn’t change the theology of your culture; if anything, it has become more influenced by secular humanism and the cult of “more production”.

What are My comments on realities inferred by this rereading? First, remember My assertion that I love and I create diversity… in everything, including theology. Watts does not have “the answer”, and what I tell you will not be any more universal, in this year 1997, than his contribution in 1964.

My version of one of his assertions (that I offer to you) is that I am having fun with this earth scene, and one way of doing this is letting Holy Scripture suggest the great Either/Or of good and evil, of Me and satan, and of humans and the rest of earth life. I agree that this is, finally, a maya… that does produce some good in earth life. Yet it also produces harm, as does every strong assertion. But I love these competing theologies… and, yes, that makes Me responsible for the consequences of this competition. Is this all quite serious? No. Is it all just fun? No, also. It is a marvelous amalgam that only I can appreciate. So it has been, is now, and shall be… until and unless I decide to change it.

I speak to you as Holy Spirit. I also affirm that I also Am, and can therefore speak for, Jesus the Christ and Almighty God. Am I wholly other from you? You don’t hear any voice from “on high”, but rather I speak from “inside” of you. I am “part” of you as you write this, and therefore you become “part” of Me. I don’t “take you over”, but I am frequently with you and influencing you, at times other than when I’m offering you a Teaching.

You have a spirit (of which you are becoming more aware), and it came from Me, a part of Me. I was not diminished by your spirit “leaving” Me for a growth journey in several realms, including earth. In this life I decided to join you more overtly and help with your growth process. Hence, We become One… and you become part of the Godhead. Doesn’t that “pollute Me” and bring Me down in stature? Not a bit of it! I am enriched by these interactions, not diminished… and I have many of these relationships, more diverse than you can imagine.

The aspect of Christian life that has been strongly influenced by your humanistic culture is the attitude toward death. Christianity’s message is that death is a time for judgment, on how you have lived your life in relation to sin and sins AND on how completely you have accepted Me, as Christ, and the grace My death and resurrection “made available”. If you are judged positively you spend eternity in heaven, in some close relationship with Me. If you don’t “make the cut” you spend eternity in hell, suffering for your sins, of commission and omission.

Strict humanism says there is nothing beyond this life. Death is the end, like the end of a video when the screen shows nothing or just the flicker-flicker of light and dark. The combination of these says “Hang on to life, for there’s either nothing or a judgment that you’re afraid to face.”

SUN., AUG. 17, 1997, 5:47 AM

It certainly is right that you begin this “re-reading” project, in your retirement years, with Watts’ little book with this title. You read it first more than 30 years ago, and it, along with Forever, were early suggestions, from Me, that life in the earth is not explained completely by orthodox Western Christian theology. Watts’ contribution didn’t change the theology of your culture; if anything, it has become more influenced by secular humanism and the cult of “more production”.

What are My comments on realities inferred by this rereading . . .

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