Bible Study

TUES., FEB. 28, 1989, 6:04 AM

I urge you often to study of My Holy Scriptures. My strategy for bringing you into this unique mode of relationship… receiving these Teachings… involved getting you to study portions of these Scriptures. You don’t do it often, and so I continue to urge. You have participated in this Lenten series at the church, and though it has not been completely satisfying in format I want you to see it in a more positive way. There is no need to be critical of any form of Bible study.

Remember always that your perspective for studying Holy Scripture is as one who is “on the inside.” You have accepted My offer, My grace. You shall not withdraw from this relationship. So you must continually remember that, mystically, however the criteria are set for inclusion in My Kingdom by the Scriptures, you are “in.” Don’t fret about your “status” or about where you are at the table. There is no final hierarchy. You move, and I move. But when you want My attention, I respond. Know that different portions of Scripture apply to different people and different times in a life. Those Scriptures that refer to inclusion or exclusion from My tale are those you need not heed for your own personal journey.

Yet such can remind you of the need for a rhythm and a balancing of humbleness and proudness. If, to continue the table metaphor, I were to come to you and say, “You are seated too near to Me, another deserves your place”, you should want to get acquainted with that soul, and then should gladly move down. In some lower “status” you will have others to meet, and your joy should always be felt and exhibited that you are still “at the table.”

The Sunday School song from your childhood should be remembered for its truth – brighten the corner, where you are. Bible study is not meant to drive you away from My presence. Let it stimulate your remembrance that you are one of Mine, by your choice AND Mine, and therefore wherever you are “in the midst” you are to brighten your corner with your story of relationship, and lo, I am in the brightness of your corner. You have few if any feelings of resentment about the status of others being higher than yours. I urge your retention of such feelings, for wherever you are is a good place to be, spiritually.

You see, some do respond positively toward the need to be included. For such, stories of possible exclusion are means for bringing them closer. Many do not have the confidence in Me that you have. Remember that I used feelings of fear for the safety of your loved ones or in relation to your responsibilities to bring you to Bible study, and finally to these Teachings. This is not My best way of getting people’s attention, but it does work sometimes, and it did work with you.

Thus, I reiterate that some portions of Scripture are going to be much more helpful and reassuring than others. Then I say that some passages that may not be relevant now may be in the future… or may be to others. So be gentle with such portions. Do not “put down” Scripture that may be just what someone else needs. This may require speaking out or remaining silent. I will tell you: as you lead Bible study or study of these Teachings (a form of Scripture, remember, since they originate with Me) always seek the response of each. For the one who is most reluctant to speak may be one for whom a particular passage is most important. Scripture is best studied actively and not through passive listening.

TUES., FEB. 28, 1989, 6:04 AM

I urge you often to study of My Holy Scriptures. My strategy for bringing you into this unique mode of relationship… receiving these Teachings… involved getting you to study portions of these Scriptures. You don’t do it often, and so I continue to urge. You have participated in this Lenten series at the church, and though it has not been completely satisfying in format I want you to see it in a more positive way. There is no need to be critical of any form of Bible study.

Remember always . . .

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