Bible Study

THURS., MAY 3, 2001, 9:36 AM

This morning, as usual, you were part of a small group, in the church parlor, with a bit of sweet and beverage, considering what I had Paul write to the Church at Rome, o so many years ago. You read the passages last evening, and you noted both your underlining and the other marks of emphasis… or of question. It is bothersome now to have little remembrance of the passages just considered (two hours ago), even as you were a major contributor – to the Scriptural portion of the discussion.

I see this as evidence more of your less reliable mind and memory than of lack of concern for what Paul wrote. Paul was certain that he had been “chosen,” by Me, for the ministry he had. His call was more dramatic than yours, and what he wrote got to become official Holy Scripture (which yours will never be), but I, Holy Spirit, see you similarly. You have written much more of what I have said to you (than he wrote) and over a longer period of time. Be satisfied that your “gift” is quite comparable to his, in My eyes, despite how most would judge.

In contrast to a major value in the academic realm of your culture (at least the portion of which you were associated), I have offered you insights that cannot be “scientifically” proven… and it is “dangerous” to go beyond “official Scripture.” But you see that I am not being consistent (and who says I have to be such?). I put high value on Holy Scripture (including, of course, these Letters from Paul), but I also give you “updates,” nearly 2,000 years after I guided Paul. Some of these Teachings are obviously pertinent to happenings in your personal/spiritual life, but “mixed in” are thoughts and premises that are almost akin to Scripture in content.

And you should note that this makes them quite similar to these Letters – a mixture of comment relevant to that time, place, and situation AND universal TRUTH that is as relevant today as when I guided Paul in writing it. Thus, this Teaching is about these verses that you have been reading and contemplating… AND ALSO… My Teaching to you, Bob Russell, on a Spring day in Southern Illinois, in the first year of what may be counted as 3,000 years.

You must “be mystical” when you read such Scripture, for it is quite illogical that there is much direct relevance to the life you lead now, in a culture quite different from that of Paul’s time. “Mystical” means that in and amongst the concepts and descriptions appropriate to his situation are morsels of truth that can be helpful to you in living in this time. But… which is which? There’s no easy answer to such a query!… even from Me.

Are Christians My ONLY people? Do I still favor the Jews, despite their continuing belief that I am only ONE – Yahweh? Will there be an “end time,” still ahead, when human life will leave the earth? If so, why? Will those “left” be the fortunate or the unfortunate ones? Is a Scriptural “suggestion” of an “end time” to be revealed today… or just considered evidence that I wasn’t serious about such an “end”?

You have confessed that this life in retirement is more conducive to spiritual considerations, because of fewer “distractions” or “competition for time and attention”. Yet you find that you don’t seem to have more Teachings… or find it easier to write and send out Our Ruminations “on time.”

Should “time” be an important consideration in this portion of your life? Would My Life as Jesus have been “better” if it had been longer, resulting in much more “Scripture,” from and about Me? Or, more personally… are there any good reasons for your living much longer? (Consider that as long as you can hear and pen these Teachings life is worthwhile… your human life, that is.)

Would this earth be a “better place” with fewer humans (but how should such be actualized?)? Or, is an increasing human population a fine condition for developing spiritual maturity? At least in the “chosen”?

THURS., MAY 3, 2001, 9:36 AM

This morning, as usual, you were part of a small group, in the church parlor, with a bit of sweet and beverage, considering what I had Paul write to the Church at Rome, o so many years ago. You read the passages last evening, and you noted both your underlining and the other marks of emphasis… or of question. It is bothersome now to have little remembrance of the passages just considered (two hours ago), even as you were a major contributor – to the Scriptural portion of the discussion.

I see . . .

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