
FRI., MAY 26, 1989, 6:17 AM

Yes, o son, I recognize your day of birth and have urged you here for a Teaching with this title. It is not a particularly special anniversary, in number, and so I recognize it. You are moving along toward senior citizenship, in good health, with a good deal of vigor. And you are an acknowledged servant of Mine.

It was important that you enjoyed a pleasant childhood, which included regular Sunday School experiences. You were comfortable in that old Methodist church, and it was part of a good balance in your young life. Even as you achieved high school status you still were active, even as that is not a clear remembrance now. It is good to have a few reminders, including that one good picture, that the church was a part of your life.

During your Navy and college days religion and relationship with Me was not important, but, also, it was not rejected. You had no experience with real personal commitment, but you didn’t have to overcome some negative rejection of the church… and hence of Me. You remember, though vaguely, that you applied for education as a chaplain, and had some slight wonder as to why that wasn’t granted. The Navy’s needs were one factor, but, more importantly, that would have taken you away from the path that has led to your present life, which is exactly where I want you to be.

The continuation of your secular education at UCLA led you into teaching, to Hawaii, and to marriage with Lenore. This was all part of My plan for you, and you were beginning to know that there was a theological history of others who were predestined for some particular place in life and service to Me.

I had to nudge you away from one undesirable path and onto graduate school at Stanford. Again you considered other options, but stayed with the best one for you – health education. The years back at Punahou were desirable experience and also, as you see now, the basis for your resolve not to seek any administrative position. I was involved in your return to Stanford and the real commencement of your writing career. You needed the writing experiences that you sought and that I partly arranged for you. I even urged you, through this family contact with Mabel, your mother-in-law, to a time of morning meditation, the early prelude to that which We do so easily this day.

During this time, quite importantly, you had your gentle born-again experience, accepting your chosenness and glimpsing, at least, a close walk with Me. You were seeing that the Presbyterian church was your best path… and, yes, I do call people to be Presbyterians, just as I do to become evangelicals, pentecostals, and orthodox.

And then came the end to your time at Stanford and the question of “What and where now?” The messages through Mabel were not clear indications, but you prayed, and I answered… and you came here. I did not arrange Lenore’s accident, but I did sustain her life, and that incident did lead to your move to this Farm. You achieved reputation commensurate with your abilities, and I led you, in various ways toward this holistic view of health.

Then came the invitation to this close, personal walk with Me, and, as you were destined, you accepted and are now firmly on the path that is especially yours. You still are Presbyterian, but you also are a mystic, in the best of old traditions. You don’t know where this all shall lead… except to the end of this earth life, sooner or later… but you are enjoying the journey, as you should.

FRI., MAY 26, 1989, 6:17 AM

Yes, o son, I recognize your day of birth and have urged you here for a Teaching with this title. It is not a particularly special anniversary, in number, and so I recognize it. You are moving along toward senior citizenship, in good health, with a good deal of vigor. And you are an acknowledged servant of Mine.

It was important that you enjoyed a pleasant childhood, which included regular Sunday School experiences. You were comfortable in that old Methodist church, and it was part of a good balance in your . . .

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