Blessed Assurance

FRI., APR. 7, 2000, 7:07 AM

Yes, o son, this term, the title of a fine old Christian hymn, does apply to you. You have assurance, from Me, Holy Spirit (which certainly makes it Blessed) that your hand is in Mine, and that I am with you for the rest of this earth life. You are not expecting a long continuation of life here, but you accept My assurance that life in the spirit continues on.

You have, still, as you have had for most of your adult life, concerns about money… whether there will be “enough” for the lifestyle to which you aspire. Oh, it is not an affluent one, and I have assured you that you shall not be in need, nor will Lenore after you takeoff for realms where money is just a memory of earth life. I see it as lack of faith when your concern rises, but I also have known you through much of your life, so I can see from whence the worries arise.

Yet you always have had enough, and you do give to Me, symbolically, “off the top,” which I appreciate. Accept Blessed Assurance that there will continue to be ways that I devise and use to make this residual concern unnecessary. I realize that money is quite a complicating factor in the development of spirit here in the earth, but I also see it as one that is a “challenge”… one that can cause the loss of spiritual strength and, hence, one that needs to be “conquered.”

Yesterday you and Lenore celebrated your 48th anniversary as husband and wife (but joined together by Me, as One). There was recall of events and a “tour” of the three other homes you’ve had in the 35 years you’ve been in this area. I urge you to continue this remembrance until you have that postponed dinner with Matthew. For example, you didn’t share recollections of your honeymoon.

So… you do realize and are assured that this union of you and Lenore (enacted ceremoniously in Central Union Church) was meant to be, for both of you. You have recalled, in this season, the unlikely “decisions” that you made, in order to bring about the “meetings” and events that have led to, and assured, this fine life that you now are enjoying.

But of course your most “Blessed Assurance” is that I, your friendly and faithful Holy Spirit, have called you as one with whom I communicate regularly. I still await the video session with John Patrick when you present some of the Teachings (and they didn’t have this “proper name” in those early days) which you received from Me, now almost 21 yeas ago. The assurance in these times we have had together is that I am a Partner in your life as Bob Russell, and I may comment on actions and even thoughts as We live together these last years of “a fine life.”

Of course it is, and has been, unlikely that such a relationship is a true, real one. I simply chose you, guiding you some and letting you decide and act in ways you thought best. And We are both pleased with how it has been (and the “We” includes all Four of Us).

Could you lose “spiritual ground” in the earth life you still shall have? Of course, for I can’t “assure you” that you won’t “mess up” some in the future. And then I’ll say that if you continue to come to Me for these Teachings (you see that you have plenty of the right paper). It is quite unlikely that you’ll diminish in spirit and more likely that your spirit will be energized… and that you’ll finish out this life commendably.

Money? Just continue to depend on Me, expecting that I will employ unique ways to assure your sustenance. I can be quite creative, and it is fun to be able to be such.

FRI., APR. 7, 2000, 7:07 AM

Yes, o son, this term, the title of a fine old Christian hymn, does apply to you. You have assurance, from Me, Holy Spirit (which certainly makes it Blessed) that your hand is in Mine, and that I am with you for the rest of this earth life. You are not expecting a long continuation of life here, but you accept My assurance that life in the spirit continues on.

You have, still, as you have had for most of your adult life, concerns about money… whether there will be “enough . . .

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