Blessings Aplenty

FRI., MAY 31, 1985, 6:09 AM

The sun is up, and you have just emerged from one of your typical dreams. You don’t like the content and the feeling, and in this aspect of life you feel unblessed. You can envision a pleasant, understandable dream “life” as a marvelous blessing to supplement your waking life. This is not yours to have. Concentrate, o son, on your obvious blessings.

You are not one to give much attention to the material things of life. You have aplenty, surely, and you don’t know how you’d be in a situation of dispossession when others around you possessed. Know that your material life is sufficiently blessed. Continue with your appreciation of but minimal attention to the material things of life – clothing, tools, furniture, luxuries… They are part of the comfort it is My pleasure to give you, and just continue to affirm that what you have is generally sufficient.

In your dream you were alone for the memorable time, but you are seldom alone in your actual life. You do not feel lonely, and such a positive feeling of having friends and associates is a blessing. The balance I want for your life is one with a good deal of writing, and this can be done only in relative solitude. The writing you have to do is a blessing, and you are not giving it proper attention. You waste too much of the time that you have apart from other people. You are frittering away a blessing from Me, and, in friendship, I remind you of this.

Neatness and order are relative blessings. These I can’t give to you, but I can urge your appreciation… of a study and an office that are less cluttered. You know the feeling of pleasure when each has been restored to relative order (and you are not to waste time on superfluous organizing and maintaining), so keep that balance in a better way. Concentrate your attention when it is time to clean and reorganize.

Your marriage and your family are blessings, separate and combined. You and Lenore were meant to be together, and you can complement one another’s lives and hence be blessings one to the other. Do not lament what you do not have; just do what you can to enhance the relationship and to appreciate and show appreciation for what she does for you that makes your life more blessed. There can be differences between you, but do not focus on these more than momentarily. You have a blessed union, and you must do what you can to keep it as I wish it to be.

You are privileged to be “above average”. Do not covet the designation “outstanding.” This is a blessing for a few, but not for you. Knowing this you can give full attention to being what you are privileged to be. Your family is not an outstanding, “picture-book” one, but there is good spirit and actual or potential relationship with Me as a part of each son. Appreciate each for his own strengths and encourage their growth, as I encourage yours. Your family has not been all joy, but it still is mostly blessing. Appreciate this more fully.

FRI., MAY 31, 1985, 6:09 AM

The sun is up, and you have just emerged from one of your typical dreams. You don’t like the content and the feeling, and in this aspect of life you feel unblessed. You can envision a pleasant, understandable dream “life” as a marvelous blessing to supplement your waking life. This is not yours to have. Concentrate, o son, on your obvious blessings.

You are not one to give much attention to the material things of life. You have aplenty, surely, and you don’t know how you’d be in . . .

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