Blessings Still “Win”!

TUES., JAN. 11, 2000, 6:32 AM

Yes, o son, the blessings of your life still far outnumber the losses and disappointments. So, again, I’ll urge you to give your attention to the positives in each day, rather than… For instance, you had a full, good night’s sleep, from which you’ve just awakened. This is more important than the 3 or 4 times you had to get up to urinate. And, if you wanted to diminish or eliminate the trips to the bathroom you could eliminate all beverage consumption in the evening. This would take some “strength,” and then you’d have to judge whether any gains were greater than losses. Increasingly this will be the way your life will be.

That’s why I encourage as positive a perception as possible for the remainder of this earth life. (Yes, Many Mansions is a proper re-read for this time. You need less new stimulation and more of the re-stimulation and reinforcement that can come from sources with your marginal markings!) In your culture too many people spend the last years of a life “hanging on”… focusing on problems… being a “patient” rather than living life fully and positively, however long… or short… it may be.

Yes, and I will say that many of you folks, with “medical magic” live too long. After the “crossing” is made I hear much more of “Why did I stay so long?” rather than “My, that was a wonderful life, and it ended just about right’!” And, yes, I do have to smile at reports that there may soon be medical preventions and cures for cancer and heart disease. As I see the whole “panorama” of earth life… and death… these are reasonable causes of “premature” death in your culture… stemming from responses to a less than healthy environment (chemicals and waste products) and too sedentary a life style. There are natural consequences… “trade offs” are part of earth life.

And, of course, I have the insect and “microscopic” world, also part of My Creation, with great ability to adapt and become stronger. Again I smile at reports that hospitals in many of your communities are overflowing with flu patients. Several small viruses can disrupt many lives, with some loss of earth life… human. Why do I smile when human lives are threatened? Balancing, My friend, is one of My best “laws.”

The Christian “religion” that dominates the spiritual climate of your culture (though challenged increasingly by a humanistic philosophy of “we’re best”) seems to be losing one important motivation for My sacrifice of earth life, as the Lord Jesus. I gave up My life, even as it appeared that it was taken from Me. I gave up something good for something better. I gave My life that you, even you, shall have eternal life. I was less than half your age. Wouldn’t the whole of life be better now if I had lived to… say, 74… leaving “behind” a dozen Gospels? No, I did it just about right.

And the example I set seems to be lost on many of you Christians. I gave My life, so that the life that continued on would be fuller and richer. Now, in the earth, there is a physical analog to this spiritual imperative. The population increases, even in your well-developed (or over?) culture, and you and Lenore have 14 grandchildren (fathered by 3 of your 5 sons). Their lives can be better if many of you oldsters accept death as a blessing, a gift of “something good.”

You anticipate another visit to Hawaii, to “re-live” some of your early life. I say, as a kind of parallel, anticipate the leaving of this life and the re-entering of “the longer one,” one quite familiar to you. It will be a definite blessing… when the time is right. (But you can’t go until this room is in good order!)

TUES., JAN. 11, 2000, 6:32 AM

Yes, o son, the blessings of your life still far outnumber the losses and disappointments. So, again, I’ll urge you to give your attention to the positives in each day, rather than… For instance, you had a full, good night’s sleep, from which you’ve just awakened. This is more important than the 3 or 4 times you had to get up to urinate. And, if you wanted to diminish or eliminate the trips to the bathroom you could eliminate all beverage consumption in the evening. This would take . . .

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