Blood Giving

SUN., SEPT. 1, 1985, 5:49 AM

You are ready and eager to write this morning, even at this early hour. You completed your Ruminations for this summer period not any too early, but now comes distribution… including those that were never quite sent from No. 1. You know all of this. Just be sure that you do it. But in the midst of a busy week you shall find time to give blood, and this shall be My theme this morning, even before the sun rises.

The vital, life-sustaining fluid for each human person is blood. There are other ways that the living, functioning human could have been created, but in the best design there is this vast network of vessels, filled with this warm, ever moving liquid substance, the ultimate means to the maintenance of earth life. If the system is ruptured and blood flows out, life is endangered. The body works prodigiously, when it is healthy, to heal any breaks in the system, and medical practice has developed some effective ways to assist the body’s healing (always insist on this concept… healing is from within), both on an emergency and on a long-term basis.

This week you shall join others in your community who shall offer to give pints of this blood, in order that those in need might survive severe trauma or a life threatening illness. This should be a spiritual experience, and the small story you have offered as an example of human/spiritual interaction is a good and appropriate one. As you go to give, relax and enjoy the spiritual nature of this technological, medical procedure. You sometimes give without enough of this sense of purpose and appreciation for your own good health. You should always feel this as a reminder that earth life is tenuous and that good health is a blessing as well as the result of your conscious lifestyle… a blessed gift from Me.

Blood is part of My story as Jesus. One miracle story was of a woman who had bled abnormally for years. You can imagine she was weak and dispirited from this loss, but also consider the health that kept generating new blood in that time before transfusions. She also had the energy to be in the crowd that moved along with Me, and she had the spirit to reach out and touch My garment, emboldened by the faith that even the power of My garment could stop this unhealthy flow. My attention brought healing, for, again, it was from within, but My power affected her very bodily processes and brought them once again to harmony.

Then, at what is called the Last Supper, I offered My disciples and friends the bread as My body and the red wine as My blood… symbols to be remembered for as long as earth life shall last, I said that My body would be broken (though it never was, actually) and that My blood would be shed (even though this was never in gross, life-threatening amounts). I did not die from loss of blood. I gave up My life, in order that I might be reborn in spiritual form… and that grace might abound.

SUN., SEPT. 1, 1985, 5:49 AM

You are ready and eager to write this morning, even at this early hour. You completed your Ruminations for this summer period not any too early, but now comes distribution… including those that were never quite sent from No. 1. You know all of this. Just be sure that you do it. But in the midst of a busy week you shall find time to give blood, and this shall be My theme this morning, even before the sun rises.

The vital, life-sustaining fluid for each human person is blood . . .

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