Body, Mind, And Soul

SUN., SEPT. 27, 1992, 6:03 AM

The sermon this morning is on this general theme, so you shall be interested to see how close this Teaching comes to what Richard preaches and what is discussed later in the morning. Naturally I know what he shall say, but this is still My words to you, on a similar theme.

Each of you humans is a unique creature. The body is unique, though in many ways it functions like that of all other mammals. You have a few advantages over other animals, but not many. The human body is different from other bodies, but not clearly superior. And, of course, there is a range in size, shape, color, and capacity to function… those with little movement to superb athletes… those who live long and those who fight for life and lose out early.

Then there is the human mind, one of My great… and terrible… creations. Though minds range from those with capacities less than those of some animals, even the average mind has great potential for thought, reasoning, and innovation. The mind is partly just a function of that marvelous physical structure, the brain. It also is influenced, to a greater or lesser degree, by your spirit, the important function of your immortal soul. This soul is what makes you humans most unique “in My eyes,” and, after all, I am the Creator… of you and all else.

Hence, some of the functions of the mind are lost when the brain dies, but not those which come from spirit. When your brain dies there will be no remembrance of much that is valued by this culture. The brain can learn what is important for living in a culture, but much of this is irrelevant to everlasting life. Eventually you shall experience what truly is of value, and much of what you and other humans fret about and make wars about is not carried over.

As I have told you repeatedly, the human spirit is created with much potential, but is not, finally, unique, in that all forms of life have some amount of spirit, and there is spirit in places, some things… in everything that I have somehow created. The principle is that all that I, as the Creator God, have made… or that has been made with spirit… has some amount of spirit. Your culture is having some trouble acknowledging spirit, because it is pretty mystical and is not something that can be measured. Remember that I do not subscribe to the premise that everything that exists can be measured. This is quite cultural and has some advantages, but is a concept that will fade with the brain’s demise.

The unique “feature” of the human in the earth is the immortal soul, the seat of your spirit. Your religion is cultural when it insists that the soul in each human is brand new, with no previous existence or experience. There is some merit to such an interpretation, so I allow it to continue. And yet I tell you that there is great variety in the souls that inhabit human bodies… some new and inexperienced, some with experiences and maturity from other realms and from non-incarnated life in the earth, and some with several to many previous earth experiences. And some of these latter have learned and retained much… are truly “old souls”… while, at the other extreme, there are those who just don’t seem to profit from previous lives.

SUN., SEPT. 27, 1992, 6:03 AM

The sermon this morning is on this general theme, so you shall be interested to see how close this Teaching comes to what Richard preaches and what is discussed later in the morning. Naturally I know what he shall say, but this is still My words to you, on a similar theme.

Each of you humans is a unique creature. The body is unique, though in many ways it functions like that of all other mammals. You have a few advantages over other animals, but not many. The human body is . . .

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