Boosting Your Spirit

SAT., MAR. 16, 1996, 6:55 PM

You heard Me tell you a Teaching was recommended, and, in the midst of all else that you are doing, you come to Me, and I come to you. A mutual meeting.

The cows have been a burden today, with still some worries about the night. You made a mistake in judgment about their hay, and you have paid for it today (a bit of current karma!) Your thoughts about selling several are better than thoughts about getting rid of all of them. It is still important to have some animals in the pasture, for the “sake” of students… and as a symbol that you haven’t yet given up on farm life. You noticed that the pain in your hip diminished considerably during this last “roundup”. Was this because of the pills you took or because you were involved in a real “Farm chore”. Consider the latter as a better truth.

It is clear to Me that you do lose your spiritual “calm” when dealing with the cattle and with this sometimes wild canine, Mele. You almost always realize this and laugh, but the frustrating reaction really isn’t necessary… but you know this. I’ll help “kick” that spirit in and save inappropriate words and behavior, and some sense of guilt afterward.

The Teachings you’ve selected for the “data” in this coming Ruminations are, naturally, some of My best… and I have occasionally used a few odd titles to catch your attention… and have a bit of fun. Even with this small number you may not be able to include all that you have marked. I’ll help in the selection, but, as some of these have been “rejects” from earlier Letters, so some will go into a file for future Ruminations. You are appreciative of the insights in these many pages that you have written, by, old fashioned, hand. I shall continue to draw you toward these pages, for as you are on the “off ramp” for professional and university requirements you also are on the “on-ramp” for more focused spiritual growth.

You increasingly are having glimpses of what life could be like, in retirement. It won’t go just as you now envision, but you do look forward to the actual experience. I can’t guarantee you any specific number of years, but what you’re currently asking for seems reasonable and right. If you’re bogged down with concern for yourself you could be disappointed in your coming life span. But if you truly look beyond yourself and give your body the optimum environment for healing and, more importantly, for positive health, then you could live longer. If your mind and body are deteriorating… and I allow this to continue… then I’ll be expecting you here, in about the time you estimate and desire.

In some ways your spirit responds positively to times in which you are alone… without wife. In other ways it needs boosting, for Lenore is your life partner, and the essence of life is spiritual, so these spiritual “ties” between the two of you are strong and persistent.

Spirit always can use a bit of boosting, particularly in this culture, where spirit is not often an “official entity”. There is so much that you read and hear that seems to have no connection with spirit. These realizations do have an effect on your spirit, a “non-boosting” effect. You have made some important “friends” through this spiritual connection with Me. Mark, for example, is a young man who appreciates what you have taught him in many ways. It was appropriate that you suggested that he consider himself a son of yours, rather than just an ex-student, with some memories. Letters and other affirmations of appreciation do boost your spirit, as they should. You deserve some of those expressions of appreciation of your teaching mode and “being”.

At this time you realize, as you didn’t, briefly, earlier today, that anything you experience, however unpleasant it may seem, is a means for boosting spirit. You don’t see those cows, bulls, and calves as spiritual encouragers, but they are, in potential. Your repairing of the fence, however inferior the “job” may be, is such a spirit enhancer. Let it be that, rather than just a frustrating experience. You may or may not be able to accomplish this with any consistency.

SAT., MAR. 16, 1996, 6:55 PM

You heard Me tell you a Teaching was recommended, and, in the midst of all else that you are doing, you come to Me, and I come to you. A mutual meeting.

The cows have been a burden today, with still some worries about the night. You made a mistake in judgment about their hay, and you have paid for it today (a bit of current karma!) Your thoughts about selling several are better than thoughts about getting rid of all of them. It is still important to have some . . .

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