
TUES., APR. 24, 1990, 6:30 AM

This title is a shorthand description of the way I encourage you to think. Particularly in relation to Me I want you to see realities that seem to be in conflict but are not. In general this way of thinking is in place of an either/or mode, but, to be consistent, not entirely.

Let’s commence with the example that Lenore was trying to get you to consider as you were going to sleep, early this morning. Am I wholly in this creation of Mine the earth and within each human creature or am I wholly other and apart from creation? The answer I heard you mumble, which is appropriate for you, is both/and. Illogical though it may see, I am both wholly in creation and wholly other from it. For the word “wholly” is, in My vocabulary, the same as “holy,” and it is ultimately a descriptor of Me. “The earth is the Lord’s”, and that Lord doth dwell therein. Yet God Almighty can never be limited to the earth, let alone to a place, a dwelling, or a person.

This is where My Triune nature is helpful, hopefully. I am wholly God Almighty, Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit. I am One, and I am Three. As God I am distant… often not even approachable… even as I am all pervasive. As Christ I am the Bridge, the One whose earth life stands as a model, and whose sacrifice brings salvation and everlasting life in a state of bliss, out of repetitive karma. As the Holy Spirit I am the friendly Teacher, the encourager, the One who is inside of you as you look in and all around you as you look out. You can reject Me, and yet you cannot.

Ultimately I am the creator of both justice and mercy. Rarely is one being exhibited to the exclusion of the other. Each is part of My nature, and therefore of yours and of each human. Without the continuing balancing of these apparent opposites humans would be in continual chaos. Yet are they not opposites?

Do you have freedom to choose to relate to Me or do I compel you to come and hear? Both/and. In Me you have complete freedom, and yet you shall be My servant as if I had commanded it. It is a process both overt and subtle, both gentle and powerful. As you give yourself to Me you have full freedom. You can do whatever you wish but you will do as I desire for you.

What about sin and righteousness? The earth is full of sin, and yet it is redeemed. It was ever so, and it was redeemed by My sacrifice as Jesus. I call you to repent of your sins, and still I call you redeemed and saved from all sin. You can sin, and yet you cannot. You have a sinful nature, and yet that very nature is holy.

As Christ I died, and yet I didn’t. I descended into hell, I rose to heaven, and I remained here in the earth. I was fully human and still fully God. I resisted temptations, and I succumbed… and ultimately had no temptations. I came to show the way, and yet there can be no one way.

There are innumerable problems in this earth of Mine, many of which are sorely troubling to Me. There should be vast changes in the way humans live and treat one another. At the “same time” this earth is exactly as I want it to be, and all of its problems are means to spiritual growth. I am satisfied with human life, here in the earth.

You are Bob Russell, a particular individual human, in a time and place. You are much more than this, with a spirit not bound by your identify and your circumstances. You shall die, and yet you shall not. Death shall be the end of life, and also the beginning, and also the continuation.

TUES., APR. 24, 1990, 6:30 AM

This title is a shorthand description of the way I encourage you to think. Particularly in relation to Me I want you to see realities that seem to be in conflict but are not. In general this way of thinking is in place of an either/or mode, but, to be consistent, not entirely.

Let’s commence with the example that Lenore was trying to get you to consider as you were going to sleep, early this morning. Am I wholly in this creation of Mine the earth and within each . . .

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