Both/And… In Daniel

WED., NOV. 16, 1994, 8:48 AM

Your group’s study of Daniel lumbers on, now into dreams and visions. Positively, you are becoming very familiar with this story, with its truths and its inconsistencies. It is both a serious story, with several important truths, and it is, as I had you suggest, an example of My sense of fun and humor. And the fun can come from experiences that Daniel actually had… a real Daniel… which I gave him to record… AND it can come from this as a story that didn’t really happen but which was given to My ancient people as a gnarly lesson.

One central affirmation, reinforced by actions and by words, is that I am Supreme in the earth (and in all other “places”). I have ultimate Power, and no force can actually challenge Me. I can cause happenings, and I can allow others. I can prevent and I can cure. Thus, the earth is functioning just about as I want it to. These are the beginning times, the mid-times, and the end times, all at the same time.

Yet the story also clearly indicates that I am being challenged, My Will is being thwarted, and I am right on the edge of being defeated. I always seem to rise up and put down My opposition, but it also is continuously rising again, in some other form. Much of what I seem to be doing is defending Myself and My Way against evil forces. These two descriptions seem incompatible, but I say they are not… then nor now.

Another potentially confusing matter is: what is My Kingdom, really? Is My Kingdom this tangible earth scene, with various forms of life, material resources, human rulers, inequalities, political systems…? Or is My Kingdom not of this world, but a realm of spirit, that manifests itself in myriad ways, unrelated, finally, to the material. Or are these continually intertwined and interrelated, in this unique creation of Mine, the earth. I tell you that each is a truth, and one does not contradict nor compromise the others, from My perspective.

You are spirit, and you are flesh. You are an abject sinner and a forgiven saint. You are estranged from Me at many times because you are too human and I am too much God… and… you are continually close to Me, and I do keep this closeness. You have a will, fairly strong, that mostly determines what you do and say, and I have a Superior Will that determines your actions and thoughts in many of life’s situations.

In life, you are an important person, and one of little consequence. As you pass on over you will be remembered, and also forgotten. You are a good husband and a poor one. You have been an inferior parent and also quite a commendable one. You have written sufficiently for your career, and you should still be writing, as I have directed. You are a superior, creative teacher, and you are very ordinary.

WED., NOV. 16, 1994, 8:48 AM

Your group’s study of Daniel lumbers on, now into dreams and visions. Positively, you are becoming very familiar with this story, with its truths and its inconsistencies. It is both a serious story, with several important truths, and it is, as I had you suggest, an example of My sense of fun and humor. And the fun can come from experiences that Daniel actually had… a real Daniel… which I gave him to record… AND it can come from this as a story that didn’t really happen but . . .

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