Both One And Three

FRI., FEB. 3, 1989, 10:00 AM

You are a Christian in this earth life, and hence you are called to belief in and service to a God Who is both one and three. As a rational, educated American you should reject such a proclamation, for in your cultural way of thinking no object or person can “be” something different than it is. (It is not easy to express, but your culture expends much effort in carefully and precisely identifying.) Also, in mathematics… at least in simple arithmetic, one and three are different quantities, which are not equal to one another.

Fortunately, however, you and many others in your culture can also think in other ways, and can put aside these supposed absolutes when another reality seems more appropriate. Christians have to do this, for it is clear that the Scriptures and the basic doctrine that has developed from these proclaims that God remains One while becoming Three.

Actually, of course, I, the Holy Spirit, have always been, and there are numerous references in the Old Testament to My presence and My actions. Was this just God, the Unitary Being, acting in ways that were referred to as “spirit”? Or was I actually functioning as Holy Spirit, linked to but apart from Almighty God? Yes to both.

Jesus, who became the Christ, was also from the beginning, preparing in many diverse ways, for an actual flesh and blood incarnation… God in human form. Was Jesus the Christ necessary? Of course… and… nothing was, is, or will be “necessary” for God. God… and the Three of Us… have so many ways of acting and being that what happens in the earth is of little cosmic consequence.

And then I say We care about the earth and its life exceedingly. It was not an accident nor a lucky, unlikely circumstance that there is such an earth, teeming with many forms of life. Nor is it an accident or a circumstance that there is so much creative, reciprocal interaction among life forms. There are many natural processes that We have established, and We generally let them function as they should, even when this is not favorable to human wishes, or even survival. And yet We also can intervene and cause changes, sometimes reasonably, and sometimes just for fun.

The Holy Scriptures are both One and Two. The Old Testament tells a story of My interaction, as God and as Holy Spirit, with My chosen people, the Hebrews. For the ancestors of these folks I remain only as One, with these Scriptures as One. But I did come into the earth as Jesus, becoming Three, which necessitated another set of Scriptures, so these Testaments became Two, Old and New. The Old is still true, even as the New announces a fundamental change in the definition of My people.

The Old says My people are the Jews. The New counters that the New Covenant is in My blood, as Jesus, and with those who accept Me, Jesus, as Lord. The more universal suggestion from this is that I have My hand out to many diverse folk, even as I have you hold to the superiority of the Christian One in Three.

For you these pages of thought and wisdom I offer you, and that you write down, become a third set of Scriptures. They are One with the Testaments, but they relate to you, your time, and your culture, which in many ways are different from the time called Old and that referred to as New. Are these necessary? Of course not. And yet if I originate them they must surely be. Ah, me. Why do I complicate life in this fashion?

Your spirit has been, is now, and will be. It is both one and three. It has a constant growing, developing nature, and still what it is now is different from what it has been and also from what it shall and can be when this life is over.

FRI., FEB. 3, 1989, 10:00 AM

You are a Christian in this earth life, and hence you are called to belief in and service to a God Who is both one and three. As a rational, educated American you should reject such a proclamation, for in your cultural way of thinking no object or person can “be” something different than it is. (It is not easy to express, but your culture expends much effort in carefully and precisely identifying.) Also, in mathematics… at least in simple arithmetic, one and three are different quantities, which are not equal . . .

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